Catch Me Live and In Person
From time to time over the last several years I’ve made appearances discussing all sorts of market related topics on the Big Biz Show. The Big Biz show is a kind of irrevant stock market and business related TV show that is also streamed online. It started out on radio, but evolved.
Here’s how the show’s description:
“Thanks for listening and watching �”The Big Biz Show with Sully and Russ T Nailz” nationwide and coast to coast in 35 million cable television homes, and 150 radio stations in 175 countries via American Life Network, Biz Television, FOX Business Network, Armed Forces Radio Network, CBS Radio Network and The Business Talk Radio Network!”
The show has been broadcast every business day from 3PM to 5PM. Starting Monday, the show is moving to the new time slot of 12PM to 2PM eastern time.
Yours truly will be the co-host of this Monday’s first broadcast in the new time slot, so please tune in. I plan to talk about generating income from your stock positions by writing covered calls. Forget dividends- this is the way to go for investors seeking higher returns.
More importantly, the first of my “Big 3″ penny stock ideas is iTrackr Systems (OTC BB: IRYS). IRYS opened at $.68 this past Wednesday when I released the pick, and closed Friday at $.80. There’s been a volume explosion, and reasonable price movement of 17.5% in the first three trading days.
Tune in at 10:20 Eastern time to catch Jeremy Brooks, the President of IRYS, interviewed live on the Big Biz Show.
Rather than try to figure out where it might or might not be on your local cable system, you can watch it, or listen online.
Go to WWW.BIGBIZSHOW.COM on Monday morning.
Click on the button that says “Watch Us Live”, or click on “Listen Live“.
Time to Hang Up The Call
Any way you look at it, my recommendation to invest in the Magic Jack (NASDAQ: CALL) options has been a gigantic win. At the same time, I suggested the Dexcom (DXCM) options, and those were a break even, so no harm done there.
The March 15 CALL call options I recommended back on January 18th at $1.30 closed Friday at $6.70 bid- yielding at gain of 415%.
Time to hang up on the call. Anyone still holding those call options should sell them and close out their position immediately.
Those options will expire in two weeks, and the stock has run up very nicely into their earnings release. No matter how good the earnings, there’s a 90% chance the stock will briefly blip up then sell off after the earnings release.
Hang up on the CALL, take your 415%, and move on.
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