One For Two This Week- Updates on CALL and FROG

FrogAds (OTC: FROG) did not jump for us as I had hoped this week, but hang on for a bounce. From $.30 to $.28 is not a big deal. I suspect $.25 will be support for this one, and you might be well served to file a limit order with a tight stop to hop back in at $.25.

I’m not sure we’ll get there, but if we do, that might be great level for easy money. The stock has not traded below $.24, so $.25 would be a great level to accumulate for the next bounce. Volume is coming down, which suggests the sellers are exhausted. The lower the volume from here forward, the more I like $.25.

Of the two options ideas I provided last week, one is just ripping to the upside, and the other is a break even. My Call on Call is climbing everyday, and this stock looks to me to have major upside potential even from here. It is clearly breaking out, and there are no sellers to be found anywhere.

CALL is the company that makes and markets the Magic Jack product you see advertised everywhere. $17 for a year’s phone service. Investors I know who follow the company tell me their new generation of technology is far superior to their first version, and as a result they are expecting Q4 and year end results to be very strong.

The stock is behaving as if institutional investors believe it as well. This scenario is what I call an “Event Driven Trade”. The event- a big earnings surprise to the upside. The trick- knowing how to trade it.

The key to trading a stock that moves much higher into earnings is to sell either just before the earnings release, or in the first half hour of trading after the earnings release.

Since the OTC Journal is committed to low priced stocks, I recommended the March $15 call options at $1.40. Today they are $2.25 for a gain of 60% in one week.

I don’t believe this stock has peaked. Any correction should be used as an opportunity to add to or open your position.

FROG Poised To Bounce

As Promised- A Changed Approach

In my first edition of 2012 I promised a different approach to penny stock coverage. I promised no more one day wonders. I pledged to stick with each idea for a month or two and provide some follow up. I don’t believe the penny market is well served when newsletters give 3 ideas a week. They tend to blip up so temporarily it’s almost impossible to make a profitable trade, and then a day later it’s on to the next idea.

I’m determined to get a little more old school this year, and try to get you out in front of stocks that you can jump into when they are cheap, and sell when they rally. I’ll try to position us to have the time to take a profit in these ideas, and deliver ongoing coverage. Today is my third edition on FROG.

I hope you are watching my idea on March 15 calls on CALL closed at $2 offer- that’s up from $1.40 late last week, and looking better every day. This is the kind of idea you have some time on. LUVU hit $.24 today in the early going, which is a new post coverage high, but then gave some ground late in the day. At yesterday’s close, the stock is still 23.5% above the entry level earlier this month, and looking to get even better.

I’m 2 for 2 on entry levels for FROG-and today is follow up #3, as pledged. I believe this model will serve you- the penny stock investor- far better than the 2011 model of 1 day wonders.

And, speaking of the FROG- another surge up, another pullback, and another good entry level. Technically, now is the time to jump back in if you’re game. Check out the chart……

FrogAds (OTC BB: FROG)- The Lows and Highs Are Getting Higher

I called the last FROG bounce at $.30, and it bounced to $.40 in two trading days. If I had suggested you pick up a stock at $30, and you could have sold it two days later at $40, you would think it was the trade of a lifetime.

It’s the penny market, and investors don’t always see things that way. We all realize $.30 can go to $.20 in the blink of an eye as well, so there’s two sides to that pancake. Market makers generally trade these smaller stocks from a short position, so their agenda is usually to drive the stocks down. They realize a short sighted penny stock trader can be spooked out rather easily, making for easy money for market makers.

Back to FROGads. The success of this company is 100% related to the amount of traffic and popularity of their newly launched site. Last night I decided to do my own research, and get some traffic reports on

Most internet analyst will look at the Alexa ranking, which are a bit like the Nielsen ratings of internet sites. follows browsers around the internet through an embedded tool. It’s a bit like a Nielsen box on your TV. However, Alexa is flawed. Programmers have been known to create clever online robots designed to deliver exaggerated traffic ratings.

An alternate traffic service that is more accurate in my view can be found at Quantcast requires the site owners to allow their service a certain level of access so traffic can be independently reported.

The company has not registered to be tracked by Quantcast, so we can only get limited traffic information there. In December, Quantcast reports the‘s traffic was up 463% in December. This makes sense, as December was their launch. The Quantcast rankings have risen in the last week as well. It looks like the traffic to the site is growing about 2% weekly- which is huge on an annualized basis.

The action in the stock was telling yesterday. The stock had a big, low volume drop, but bounced generated a 60% rebound of the day’s sell off. This suggests the stock is going to bounce back again tomorrow, and perhaps another trade into the $.40 range is in the cards.

With the ranking services showing increasing traffic to the site, some level of success is inevitable at the company.

Yesterday the market makers tried to spook traders out of the stock by selling it down rapidly on low volume. It looks to me like either bargain hunters surfaced, or sellers just didn’t materialize as they had hoped, and they had to cover.

Look for the bounce to continue today, and perhaps there’s another trade here for $.40- a 33% jump from yesterday’s close if this is Deja Vu all over again. If you’re trader, get in early and keep a watchful eye.

Liberator (LUVU) Gets “Stern” For More Sales

Our Second Last “Pre Football” Edition

Are you ready for some football? To end? I’ve really enjoyed this theme- a Sunday morning edition prior to the NFL games. Only the Superbowl remains after today’s Championship games.

So, sit back, relax, and read this Sunday’s OTC Journal before Baltimore tries to handle Brady and New England, and the NY Football Giants head into San Francisco. Watch for the Niners- a great defense and a good running game can take you a long way this time of year. The Baltimore/New England game is a toss up. Baltimore does not play well on the road. Slight edge to the Pats there.

So, how about this past week? Four ideas so far this year, and here’s your update:

  • Liberator (OTC BB: LUVU) made a new multi month high this week, trading up to $.23 from the $.15 entry level. Post close news Friday on this one bodes well for Monday trading. A 53% gainer so far.
  • As predicted- FrogAds (OTC BB: FROG) jumped from $.24 to $.40 this past week- that’s a 66% move this week. I think that one could continue higher next week.
  • Dexcom March 10 Calls (DXCM) I recommended at $1.40 closed at $1.40- unchanged. DXCM is rumored to be a good acquisition target.
  • Magic Jack March 15 Calls (CALL) I recommended at $1.40 closed at $1.75- a nice 25% gain, but not even close to what I’m looking for.
  • Investors who listened to my caution warning on red hot penny stock North Springs (NSRS) might have been a little disappointed. I predicted it would drop 70% in one day, and it only dropped 60%. It did deliver the inevitable bounce, but I suspect the game is over, and the stock will head lower again.

That’s 4 gainers and 1 break even this week. If every week was this good. I can only hope. This market is really heating up. The market is not listening as intently to the noise out of Europe, and the economy is perking up nicely. With stocks this cheap, it’s a great time to get aggressive.

And, speaking of aggressive, did you catch Friday’s post close news on Liberator(LUVU)?- Off a new multi year high this week, it’s looking like another strong week might be in the cards. Read on McDuff………..

Liberator (LUVU) Gets Stern To Expand Revenues

As mentioned above, Liberator (LUVU) made a new multi month high this past week, hitting the $.23 mark. It’s not easy to find stocks this low priced with $60 million in total revenues in their history, and $20 million likely this calender year.

In order to boost sales for their traditionally best quarter of the year- CY Q1- Liberator (LUVU) is headed in a new and ideal advertising direction. The self proclaimed “King of All Media” is widely perceived to have invented the “Shock-Jock” genre of radio broadcasting.

Despite his controversial programming, Stern was the unquestioned master of the highly coveted 18-34 male demographic was he broadcast on terrestrial radio. Stern is also credited as a pioneer in the field of syndicating radio content to affiliates around the country.

Since moving to Sirius, Stern’s audience has aged a bit- the 35-64 demographic is more likely to listen to Sirius than the younger group.

However, there can be no argument Stern’s audience is ideal for LUVU products. The sexual wellness revolution’s best spokesperson might be Howard Stern, and his monster demographic will bring a much larger audience to LUVU’s products. Advertising will be heavily concentrated around Valentine’s Day.

Here’s what I’m interested in- will Stern just drive traffic to or will Stern mention LUVU’s products can be found at and many main stream stores where their products are found?

I’ll be listening. Look for LUVU to make another leg up next week on this news. Still very undervalued. Ask yourself how many stocks you own in the $.20 to $.25 range delivering $20 million in annual revenues.

LUVU is likely to continue higher this week. I’ve been looking for $.30 plus on this one in the first 1 to 2 months, and I believe we’ll get it if the stock continues to trade this well and the company delivers news like this.

North Springs (NSRS): Use Exterme Caution

January 19, 2012
VolumeXV, Issue 7

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FrogAds (OTC BB: FROG) Leaps To Profits


FROG is behaving very well for us today- it broke up to the $.40 level just as I predicted. It’s now up 30% from last week’s alert, and as I mentioned in yesterday’s edition, this surge could be a good profit point for traders- up to you.

Longer term the traffic on the company’s site is growing rapidly, so there could be a lot more upside in this idea. I’ve now provided two great entry levels on this idea- it’s up to you to take advantage of them if you like.

North Springs Resources (OTC BB: NSRS): Use Extreme Caution


North Springs- a stock I’ve been following since Dec 27th, is simply too good to be true. I’m kicking myself for not buying some, but I’m sure if I had I would have sold it by now. This has been a red hot penny stock, and I wish I’d covered it back then.

However, if you’re in this one, extreme caution is warranted at this level. First of all, I believe you’d have to be insane to buy this stock at this point. The early promoters have done a marvelous job bringing a huge audience to this story, and the stock has gone berserk.

However, charts like this always have an unhappy ending. I suspect yesterday’s giant bar up was a short squeeze. At some point this stock will turn south, and getting out will be a very crowded trade. I predict you will see the stock lose 70% of its value in one day.

A quick look at the SEC filings can give a little insight into what the company might be worth. As of the last quarterly filing, the company had total assets of $60,000, and $16 in cash. Yes- that’s not $1.6 million- that’s actually $16 total. Not even 20 bucks.

Since the end of October the company has entered into an arrangement to be able to borrow $1 million in cash from a creditor, so they are not penniless. Far more interesting is the market valuation.

At last count, there were 696 million shares I&O. 80 Million of those shares were cancelled on December 29th, leaving a total of 616 million shares I&O. So, based on today’s price of about $.90, the market is placing a value of over $.5 billion on this start up mining company in Nevada that’s never put a drill bit in the ground.

The huge jump Tuesday looks to me like a short squeeze. Market makers who looked at the fundamentals and the promotion probably went short in the early going, but were blown out of their positions and forced to buy.

I’m not saying this stock can’t go higher. I have no idea if it will or it won’t. I’m just saying use extreme caution if you’re looking to buy this stock, or consider taking your profits. When it collapses, all the hot money will be looking for the door, and this sort of crowded trade never goes well for buyers at the top.

It’s known as holding the burning match. The last one holding the burning match gets their fingers burned.

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Two Earnings Suprises: CALL and DXCM


January 18, 2012
Volume XV, Issue 7

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Quick Review of 2012


I’ve covered two penny stocks so far in 2012. FrogAds (OTC BB: FROG), and Liberator (OTC BB: LUVU).

Here’s a quick update on both situations. I tried to pick a bottom for a bounce in FROG (yes, pun intended), and missed by a couple of days. The stock is bouncing now. We started with this idea back in December, and it was really good to us the first go round. The first entry level was $.41, and the stock ran up to a high of $.58 over the next two trading days.

Over the holidays FROG pulled back in quiet trading, and hit a low of $.25. Last week, I suggested it was ready to rally in the $.30 to $.33 range, but I was off by a couple of days. The stock dropped a bit lower before beginning a serious rebound, which is underway now.

FROG traded big volume yesterday- 1.4 million shares- it’s highest day ever, and today has traded over 500,000 shares already.

Early this week, FROG announced a substantial increase in traffic- Alexa ranks their site 61,228 globally, and 35,300 in the US. Anything under 100,000 is considered top tier. The stock is getting some nice traction on this news, and trading really strong volume.

I hope the stock can find its way back into the $.40 range on this surge. If so, traders might consider taking a profit- investors just hang in there for a while as their traffic grows.

Liberator (OTC BB: LUVU) is trading rather quietly. I introduced the company at $.15, and today the stock is $.20, for a solid short term gain of 28% over a couple of weeks. This stock is still trading rather quietly, but volume has increased nicely over the last couple of days, hitting about the 120,000 share level both days.

While that doesn’t seem like a lot of volume, it’s worth remembering this stock had never traded until it was introduced in the OTC Journal, shortly after which it hit a high of $.225 for a 50% gain in the short term if you jumped in early.

LUVU will have a record Q4 ’11 of $4.2 million, and is nearly certain to be a $20 million plus company in CY 2012. I also expect the company to turn cash flow positive in CY’12. In other news, research firm Goldgaber Research pegged the stock at $1 in the next 12 months, citing “The progress the franchise is becoming a main stream brand.”

If you’d like to read the Goldgaber Research piece, just click here, and off you go.

In summary, FROG is highly volatile and trading a lot of volume- LUVU is not as volatile and starting to catch the attention of investors. IF FROG surges 20% to 30%, you might consider taking a trading profit. LUVU is at a good level to hold or open a new position.

Two Earnings Trades


I’ve been reaching out to my vast network of contacts in the small stock world, and believe I have two candidates that will deliver big earnings upside surprises when they release their Q4 and full year audited numbers. Since this publication is committed to low priced stocks, I’ll show you how to make a lot of money if you pledge just a little capital.

The two names are Dexcom (NASDAQ: DXCM) and Magic Jack (NASDAQ: CALL).

Magic Jack (NASDAQ: CALL) is the company that advertises incessantly about its $17 annual fee for your phone service. Sources who reported to me after the recent Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas last year inform me that a recent technology change is allowing the Magic Jack solution to function extremely well, and adoption is consumers are not adopting the product far more rapidly than in the past.

As you can see from the chart, the stock is already starting to price in a big change. The stock recently split 2 for 1, and investors generally expect splits to lead to higher prices. Analysts are estimating the company will earn $1.01 in 2012, up from EPS of $.07 in 2011.

I haven’t been able to find out when CALL will release it’s audited 2011 year end numbers. The company legally has until March 15. However, I would expect it to be sometime in February.

I believe CALL is going to beat estimates quite handily, and there’s a lot of upside in this one from current levels.

Dexcom (NASDAQ: DXCM) is a stock I’ve followed since it’s IPO in 2005. I ecommended this stock in 2005 out in front of the company’s first FDA approval. The stock went from my original entry level of $16 to $26 on that trade. I recommended selling the stock at $24, and made $50,000 on that trade myself.

DXCM is a medical device company focusing on the diabetes market- specifically the difficult to treat Type 1 version- at this time. FDA Approvals will be sought for other versions as well. In the past couple of years sales have improved markedly as the company was able to get an insurance code which allows for insurance coverage of their device.

DXCM has developed a small sensor which is implanted into a patient’s abdomen- it’s not much more invasive than an injection. The sensor provides real time blood glucose data to a device that is about the size of a cell phone. The patient can monitor their blood chemistry in real time, and administer the proper amount of medication to keep their blood glucose levels in the normal range as needed.

Analysts are underestimating the rapid growth at the company as diabetes is reaching nearly epidemic proportions on a global basis. I expect the company to turn in far better numbers than the street expects.

Yahoo’s earning calender has DXCM announcing on Feb 29th. Analyst are expecting a loss of $.17 per share.

When trading on anticipated earnings surprises to the upside, it’s important to recognize the stock is likely to trade up into the earnings report, surge at the open, and then retreat swiftly as sellers who were betting on the numbers lock in their gains.

Since this is primarily a penny stock newsletter, let’s look at how we might be able to make a lot of money with a little capital. If you want to bet on the year end earnings releases for both of these stocks, your best bet for a little money is using options.

To go long, you can either buy call options, or go short the puts. With options, you always want to be a seller if possible. However, if you go short the puts, the most you can make on the trade is the amount of money you have at risk. You hope the put goes to zero, and you double your investment.

Going long the calls provides more upside, but you’ll generally pay a higher premium.

In the case of CALL, I would recommend:

  • The March $15 calls which you can buy at $1.40. if you buy 10 calls, it runs $1400, and it represents the right to buy 1,000 shares.
  • For a greater risk/reward, go to the March $17.50 calls at $.50. $500 gets you the right to buy 1,000 shares at $1.7.50.

In the case of DXCM, I would recommend:

  • The March $10 calls which you can buy at $1.40 as well. If you use a limit order, you might be able to get them cheaper. Again, a $1400 investment in 10 calls controls 1,000 shares at $10.
  • For a greater risk reward scenario, the $12.50 March calls are only $.45. That might be the way to go. $450 controls 1,000 shares at $12.50. With the stock at $10.50 that might seem a little silly, but if the stock ends up at $15, you’ll be ringing the cash register.

There’s a couple of earnings trades for you for the upcoming earnings releases, and a way to pledge a little money to either make a lot, or lose a little. Be ready to sell these ideas on the days their year end earnings are released. With both stocks in strong uptrends, you should lock in now if you like these ideas.

More soon.

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MarketByte LLC has been pledged fees totalling $18,000 for coverage of Frogads by Lake Media Group.MarketByte LLC has been paid a fee of $15,000 for coverge of Liberator, Inc by the company. Larry Isen, the editor and publisher of the OTC Journal, owns 88,000 shaers of LUVU purchased in a private placement at $.25 per share.


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FROG Finding Its Legs



January 11, 2012
Volume XV, Issue 6

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Froggy’s Jumping Back Up


Nice win in the short term from last year. I believe I’ll just call this one the FROGGIE. Very catchy. This site could absolutely explode. Us older internet users- those of us who have been there from the beginning- we have watched the unopposed development of Craigslist.

This plain vanilla web site of global personal ads has grown from one man’s innocent hobby to 20 billion page views per month- all uncontested with little or no competition.

Wake up Craig- there’s a new amphibian on the block. FrogAds is trying to muscle into Craiglist territories, and meeting with some early success on the advertiser end.

I wrote about this company back on December 13th. The stock leapfrogged from $.42 to $.60 in a couple of trading days, and starting drifting back down through the Christmas and New Years holidays.

FROG started jumping back up yesterday and traded nearly 500,000 shares, making it appear as if FROGGIE is getting ready to leap off the lily pad.

Of late, FROG has announced very shortly after its official commercial launch, has moved into the top 65,000 most trafficked web sites and now has 1.5 million ads placed on the site.

Frogads will also be the first major site to combine classified ads with traditional online advertising and auction sales. This is unique- no one has put these services combined together- until now.

FROG Finding Its Legs


FROG jumped back into the picture after a rather protracted pullback of late, and might be starting a nice rebound phase.

As you can see from the chart, both the price and volume are on the increase.

The stock traded down as low as $.22 early in the year. I’ve been watching for a sign of a rebound in this one.

It happened yesterday when the stock traded very high volume- nearly 1/2 million shares, and closed very near the high of its range for the day.

It seems to me this stock is entitled to bounce back into the at least the $.42 range- that would be 61.8% of the drop.

Longer term this one might get interesting. Making the top 100,000 most trafficked web sites in such a short period of time is quite an achievement.

If the site becomes viral, look out above. This one could really get some legs. A good entry level today is about yesterday’s closing level- around $.33.

If this stock is ready to deliver a nice technical rebound, there’s a great trade here.

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Meet The Fockers Meets LUVU




January 8, 2012
Volume XV, Issue 4

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Meet The Fockers Meets LUVU


Meet The Fockers is the 2004 comedic comic film starring Ben Stiller, Teri Polo, Dustin Hoffman, and Barbara Streisand. Greg Focker (Stiller’s character) is marrying Pam Byrnes (Polo’s Character). Her retired CIA agent dad (De Niro) wants to meet his quirky, hippy like parents- Hoffman and Streisand.

It was the second movie in the franchise, and was wildly popular. The film cost $80 million to make, and ended up grossing over $500 million worldwide.

Roz Focker - Greg’s mother (played by Barbara Streisand), plays a sex therapist who specializes in senior sexuality. The plot line is hysterical, especially when Streisand interacts with uptight, ex CIA agent Robert Di Niro.

There’s plenty of sexual over tones in the movie, especially in light of Streisand’s character.

One of the unintended stars of the movie is some unique furniture displayed prominently in several of the scenes. This same furniture has been shown in several other Hollywood movies, and more recently on a highly popular reality show.

Atlanta based Liberator, Inc (LUVU), a company that has generated over $60 million in revenues since its inception in 2002, came up with a very clever way to use left over foam scraps. The company is hitting new sales records every quarter, and is just starting to turn profitable for the first time in its history.

Liberator takes left over foam and cuts it into a variety of triangle and incline shapes to create specially shaped pillows and furniture. It’s primarily designed as bedroom accessories, but they make lines of bean bag chairs popular with college students and others.

While it doesn’t get a lot of attention, there is a whole new category of consumer products being categorized as Sexual Wellness or Sexual Well Being.

Visit the Web Site at It’s a household and personal care site selling everything from discount diapers to toothpaste and hair products. There’s a category on the home page on the top menu bar for Sexual Wellness.

These products are getting main stream adoption rapidly. Liberator’s single biggest customer is Amazon has a full product offering in a section known as “Sexual Wellness”. Click Here to visit Amazon’s product offerings in this category.,, and Brookline are other retailers moving rapidly into the space. These products are no longer shopped for a seedy little specialty stores. It’s all behind closed doors, but it’s main stream now, and the market for these products is growing very rapidly.

Liberator (OTC BB: LUVU) Delivering the Numbers


This past September, LUVU delivered its best quarter ever. The companies top line came in at $5.6 million- a 113% increase from the same quarter in 2010. Gross profits were $1.8 million, and the company’s adjusted EBITDA loss was about $5,000. This company is on the verge of making the turn to profitability, which can be one of the best times to own the stock-especially when its extremely cheap.

Friday, after the market closed, LUVU issued guidance for the FYQ2- the December quarter. The company announced projected revenues of $4.2 million, which will be a 14% increase over the same quarter in 2011. The top line is down a bit from the September quarter, but the company sold an online division for $800,000 during the quarter which didn’t work with their future growth plans, leaving some extra cash on their balance sheet.

According to Business Week, the commercial sex industry is now ranked one of the “Top 5 Rising Industries for 2031″- expected to grow over 17% each ear. In 2006, this industry contributed $13.3 billion to the total US economy. It’s bigger than the NFL, NBA, and MLB combined.

At its current growth rate, is will be a $47 billion global industry by 2030. There are numerous research reports highlighted how the commercial sex industry has moved from underground, small scale operations to more normalized, main streamed companies.

For more information, read researcher Emily Empel’s on The Future of the Commercial Sex Industry in 2030. Click on the title to get there.

Conclusion- Your Upside


Lest you think there’s no money to be made in the few stocks in this sector, think again. Check out this chart.

This is Rick’s Cabaret. Yes- this was a reverse merger bulletin board stock many year’s ago. This $84 million per year company is been a smokin hot stock from time to time. As you can see from this weekly chart, RICK was $4 in 2009, and nearly $30 in 2010. Not bad if you owned it at $4.

LUVU is a story of clever American ingenuity. I love stories like this. Found Lewis Friedman took discarded foam scraps and turned them into $60 million in revenues over 9 years.

Furthermore, in the Sexual Wellness category, LUVU is the only company that exists with a real brand. With customers like Amazon,, Wallgreens, and, their products are easily attainable by Main Stream consumers.

Absolutely no one knows about this stock. I personally invested in the company about 3 years ago in a private placement priced at $.25 per share. The company was smaller than, but market valuations were richer. I had 100,000 shares- I now have nearly 90,00 shares left.

As you can see from this chart, LUVU has traded sporadically throughout 2011, but has traded up as high at $.30- double Friday’s closing price. Funds were raised for this company at $.25, so open market buyers will enjoy 66% profits before myself and the other investors break even.

I suspect this one will trade up rather easily and rapidly once investors start catching on to the growth in both their sector and their company.

There’s under 90 million shares I&O, so at $.15 the entire market cap $13.5 million-it’s trading about 1/2 of annual sales, which is absurdly cheap.

I see no reason why this stock couldn’t trade into the $.30 to $.45 range over the next 30 to 45 days as more investor get exposed to the story. From Friday’s close, this would represent 100% to 150% return on investment.

If you like this idea, I would act right at the open tomorrow, and of course use a limit order- I wouldn’t pick it up any higher than $.18 to $.20 on the first day.

However, I do plan to cover every development out of this company for the next 30 days, or longer. Use $.12 as your SSL. Risk 3 cents to double your money or more.

Here’s one last item. This company was recently featured on the Bravo Show the Real Housewifes of Atlanta. They make a visit to the Liberator retail store. is their retail web site.

Click Here to check it the Real Houswives of Atlanta show. Of course, I had never watched the show, but I have to admit this is pretty entertaining. This is the kind of publicity that makes shareholders a lot of money.

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of information we received from third parties. MarketByte LLC has been paid a fee of $15,000 for coverge of Liberator, Inc by the company. Larry Isen, the editor and publisher of the OTC Journal, owns 88,000 shaers of LUVU purchased in a private placement at $.25 per share.


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My Webinar on Fraud; Coming Attraction

January 7, 2012
Volume XV, Issue 2

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Some Of My Best Work- A Webinar For You


As many of you know, the OTC Journal is only one of my publications. This is the beginning of my 14th year with the OTC Journal. As 2011 wasn’t a good year in the markets, I expect 2012 to be far better.

My other newsletter, which is now going into its second year of publication, is focused on Emerging China Stocks. You can check out the web site at Those of you who follow the sector know it was a complete bloodbath in 2011. The allegations of fraud, many of which turned out to be true, completely destroyed a sector of about 600 publicly traded companies, most of whom are perfectly legitimate.

One of the greatest fund managers of all time- Anthony Bolton, who manages the Fidelity China Special Situations fund, described 2011 as “BRUTAL” for investors.

Bolton, who has averaged 20% a year for the last 20 years in his UK Special Situations fund, believes the world’s investment community will look for growth again soon, and they’ll find it in China equities.

Bolton is continuing to accumulate China Small Caps in the $.5 billion fund, but he is focusing primarily on companies with good corporate governance policies.

I lost a substantial amount of my own personal capital in the 2011 China disasters, but I’ve learned a lot. Rather than fold my tent and disappear into the desert night, I have learned after 23 years in the small cap world that there’s opportunity in crisis.

Here’s where this is all leading. In the second half of 2011 I spent a lot of time educating myself and learning how China companies commit fraud. For investors on the long side, the China small cap companies who are publishing accurate numbers represent the values of a lifetime.

There’s 600 China small caps- 200 trading with senior US listings. About 25 have been credibly demonstrated to be committing fraud, and I believe there will be a few more.

So, the key to making money in these beaten down stocks is the ability to identify which are committing fraud to a material extent, and which are not.

I’ve written a produced an 8 Part video WEBINAR on “How China Companies Commit Fraud”. It’s free- no strings attached, and the first opportunity to attend will be next Thursday.

Lest you think these stocks haven’t hit bottom, let me point out 3 of my core ideas in EmergingChinaStocks are up 140%, 75%, and 62% respectively off the October lows.

If you’d like to attend the WEBINAR, Click Here, go to the following sign up page:

Tomorrow’s New Idea


Tomorrow I’ll be introducing my first new penny stock trading idea for 2012.

This is a $.15 stock that no one is following and no one knows about. However, this is no start up. The company is coming off its best quarter ever. In September, this company delivered $5.6 million in quarterly revenues with 30% margins and an extremely small paper loss. The company was very nearly cash flow positive for the first time in its history. I invested privately in this company about 3 years ago at $.25, and I still hold 85% of the shares. Since the company is performing better than it ever has, you’re getting a far better entry level than I had.

This company is riding a 21st Century wave being adopted rapidly into Main Stream society. It’s a bit unusual, and promises to be very profitable. They manufacture and distribute a line of products in a specific category, and their largest customers are the likes of:

  • Amazon
  • Brookstone
  • Overstock
  • Walgreens

Their products are getting national recognition having recently been featured in a number of top run Hollywood Movies and one highly rated cable reality show.

Got your attention? I’m working on the initial presentation now. I plan to publish several editions on this one over the course of the next month. Tomorrow is your OTC Journal “First Look”.

Stand by to be entertained.

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Welcome to the 14th Year of Penny Stock Coverage

January 5, 2012
Volume XV, Issue 1

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Welcome to the 14th Year of Continuing Coverage


You’re probably not going to believe this, but today’s edition is the first of of my 14th year of continuously publishing the OTC Journal. Yes folks, when I started this, I had hair and enthusiasm for the penny stock sector. The OTC Journal is the oldest online penny stock publication in existance.

Today, I still have my enthusiasm for the penny stock market- the hair? Well, as you can see, not so much.

Over the 14 years I’ve been writing the OTC Journal, I’ve seen a lot of change in the penny stock market. Over the last few years it’s not for the better in my view. Thanks to the internet, the OTC world has changed considerably.

The time frames to trade in and out of penny stocks in today’s market environment can be as short as hours or minutes. There’s hundreds of companies looking for exposure, and the information disseminators like myself have ideas coming at us on a nearly daily basis.

The crowd swings from one idea to the next sometimes 3 times a week because the information can get out so rapidly.

This environment can be tough if you’re not glued to your screen and super active. I much prefer an environment where one can take a position in a stock and watch for slow appreciation over a month or two as the company delivers solid fundamental events and growth, and the audience for the stock expands. These are the quality penny stocks- the ones with lots of upside potential and real growth.

Here’s a peak into the future- I’ve already identified four situations I like that I’ll be covering for at least a month. Instead of “here and gone” stories, you’ll get some real follow up and the ideas will have some time to develop. I expect to introduce all of them between now and the end of March.

Some notables over the years: Big winners included Spicy Pickle (SPKL)- $.50 to $2.00 with total liquidity in the Fall of 2007. That one was particularly satisfying for me as I personally invested in the company before it came public and made net profits of over $700,000 for taking the risk. Unfortunately, the 2008 recession killed the company’s growth prospects, and it’s struggling today.

Force Protection (NASDAQ: FRPT) was my second biggest win of all time. We started with that one around $2, and it eventually hit a high of about $26 as I recall. The company was bought out by General Dynamics this past December, so we can’t look at the chart anymore. That one took nearly 2 years to make its high from the first time I wrote about it.

The biggest win of all time was a company called NetSol International (NASDAQ: NTWK). I first covered it at about $1.80 in 1998. At the top of the dot-com craze in March of 2000, the stock hit $75 in one of the greatest short squeezes of all time. This Pakistani software developer is still around, but not flourishing as they once did.

Of course as is the nature of the penny market, the losers are too numerous to review. I really wouldn’t characterize many of the ideas so much as losers. In the small cap world and penny market, you are going to have losers. That’s the nature of the beast. I’d say I it was more the disappointments that have been difficult- every now and then you come across one of these companies that just looks like it can’t miss. Then, somehow, the management team screws it up, and down it goes. Those are my biggest regrets.

I’m going to try to focus on a little longer term coverages going into 2012 so you have a better chance to make more money without worrying minute to minute.

Here’s a look back to the first edition ever published in the OTC Journal. It was May 8, 1998. The company was San Diego based Ontro, inc. I wrote a preview on an upcoming IPO, and gave the information on where to call to get a prospectus and ask for an allocation of the IPO.

Ontro had developed a revolutionary new product called an “Integrated Thermal Container”. It was specialized beverage packaging- you basically popped the top, and the beverage became either hot or cold in a matter of seconds. It was used for things like soup, and was ideal for soldiers in the field, campers, etc.

I can’t remember what happened with the company. But if you want to stroll down memory lane, Click Here to read my first edition.

Coming Attraction


My first idea of 2012 will be out on Sunday morning. We’ve had some great success with the Sunday releases, and I hope this will set the stage for a fantastic and highly profitable 2012.

Here’s a little preview:

  • Can you tell me what industry is set to grow from $13.3 billion in 2006 to $46.9 billion in 2030?
  • Can you show me a company in this industry group that achieved $5.6 million in revs in Sept quarter of ’11- up 113% from the same quarter in ’10?
  • Can you show me a company like this, but it only trades at $.15 per share, and no one is following it- yet?

I’ve got it for you, and you’ll be able to read about on Sunday for Monday trading. I think this is an easy double from the current level.

More before Sunday.

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