China Shandong (CSNH): Looking For Strength Next Week



October 29, 2011
XIII, Issue 102

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China Shandong (CSNH): Looking for Strength Next Week


Many of you probably caught my special situation idea that came out on Tuesday to OTC Journal subscribers.

China Shandong Industries (OTC BB: CSNH) sports about $120 million in annual revs, $22 million in net profts, and $.50 in EPS. They make over 20,000 items of furniture and accessories that end up in the likes of Pottery Barn, IKEA, and other major names.

Suggested at $.65- we had a quick 20% gain, then the stock pulled back a little.

Today, I providing one of my famous video chart updates. Turn on your speakers, click on the link, and let me fill you in on how I see this idea from here.

Click Here, or go to:

Here’s my disclosure: I’m long this stock, acquired in the open market anywhere from $.40 to $.80, and looking to liquidate my position over $1 if the stock cooperates.

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Bering (BERX): The Comeback Kid

October 27, 2011
XIII, Issue 102

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Hostage Released and Handcuffs Off- Markets Can Breathe Again


Since about mid summer, the markets have been held hostage as the drama in Europe unfolded. Today, the European Union actually got it together and came up with a plan the world just might be able to embrace, and the equities handcuffs are coming off.

There are 17 different countries involved- that means 17 countries have to agree on a course of action. That’s a rough bit of diplomacy. It’s going to be expensive for all of them, and they are not all equally complicit in creating the problems. For example, Germany has been fiscally responsible, but Greece and Italy have not. Nevertheless, the formation of the EU has been profitable for Germany, so they recognize the need to stick with it.

One of the initial challenges needed to be met was how to deal with Greek Sovereign debt. All the major European banks hold it, and the big question is how would it affect them is there were a default. The plan is to take a 50% voluntary haircut on the value of Greek debt, thereby actually dealing with the problem. This will be voluntary, so there won’t be a technical default. Once the write down is taken, the banks will need more capital.

Enter the EFSF- created in May of 2010, the European Financial Stability Facility was created to provide a mechanism to stabilize European financial institutions.

Reports state the EU plans to fund the EFSF with $1.4 trillion. Banks will be encouraged to go to private markets first, then use the capital available through the EFSF to stabilize their banking system.

The US markets are headed for their best month since 2002 if our October gains hold. Small stocks are coming back.

So- let’s look at the come back kid of the month- one I have believed in and have had egg in my face, but looks like it might get very healthy again.

Bering Exploration (OTC BB: BERX): The Comeback Kid


Let’s not pull any punches: BERX, a stock I’ve been covering all year, got clobbered this summer. The stock was $1.70 six months ago, and traded as low as $.10 at the September/October low.

I believe I’ve drilled down to the problem. It related to a financing. Lest you think the financiers made money, think again. I believe we will see BERX has eradicated $1/2 million in debt when we see their year end numbers. However, it came at the expense of the stock price.

We’ll likely see a ton of debt gone- it converted into stock at $.30 - or in that area, and the debt holders likely off-loaded their entire positions with or without profits. So, what happens when you have a rout of this type? the stock trades down, hits bottom, then starts a rebound phase.

And, that’s exactly what happened here in my view. We’re going to see a company generating its first revenues with a much improved balance sheet, and more shares I&O.

Net result? The bar has been reset for upside expectations. The stock is not likely to go to $2 or $3 in the near future, but the rebound could easily continue into the $.50 range- more than a double from today’s levels.

Why? Glad you asked- it’s simple. Take away all the drama associated with the movement in the stock price, and look at what the company has achieved this year.

BERX was on a oil lease acquisition binge this year, and has managed to acquire 3,700 gross acres with potential gross reserves of 19 million barrels of oil. BERX has 6 major projects in some level of development.

As the company disclosed today, it has:

  • The Singer Project: 6 million barrels of reserves on 3,716 acres in Louisiana- BERX has identified 65 potential drilling sites, and retains 35% working interest.
  • The Ashland Project: also in Louisiana- 1200 acres with possible reserves of 8 million barrels and 20 potential well locations. BERX owns 10% working interest.
  • The Golke Project: 272 acres in South Texas has approximately 3.5 million barrels and 10 possible well sites. BERX owns 50% working interest.
  • The Luling Project: In Central Texas, BERX acquired gross reserves of 450k barrels. BERX owns 100% working interest.
  • The Chicas Locas Project: In Southeast Texas, this one consists of 640 gross acres with about 12,000 barrels. BERX has 50% working interest.

Taken as a whole, I would say BERX has been very busy this past year. 2012 needs to be all about starting the process of drilling some some of that oil. It’s already happened, and the company is generating some revenue, but potentially there’s a lot more to come.

There’s never a guarantee when drilling for oil, but the more you do, the more chances you have for a home run.

This is speculative, which is why it has all the upside potential of a $.20 stock. If it weren’t risky, it wouldn’t be $.20, and it wouldn’t have the upside it has today.

Bering (BERX) is now on the comeback after a pretty rough several months. The company is better positioned than ever. My chart tells me this stock is positioned to rebound.

If one only traces back to the big September fall off, the stock is entitled to regain 61.8% of it’s entire drop from $.54 level.

When this happens, it will put the stock back at a target price of $.36 in the short term- 80% above today’s level.

With all the projects they have lined up to develop in 2012, there’s no reason why the first stage can’t be a rebound to $.36, and then upwards from there.

Europe appears to have a plan. The markets have responded by bidding up equities and commodities. With commodity prices rising again, BERX will be back in favor, and now it’s cheap enough to make some real money in my view.

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This Always Works: So Far



October 23, 2011
XIII, Issue 101

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This Always Works: So Far


Well, so far it always works. It’s the stock market, so there’s no absolute guarantees. However, about 5 times a year I find a special situation that works for a number or reasons. I’ve found the third in the last year, and you’ll have the chance to learn about it on Tuesday.

In the past year I have only found two of these Special Situations. Here’s the record so far:


As you can see, my Special Situation recommendation on CEHD yielded at 73% return in 5 weeks, and my Special Situation report on CMCI yielded 45% in just 5 trading days.

These ideas are few and far between, and they are simply MONEY!!!

On Tuesday, you will receive a simple, plain text email from me with the details of my next Special Situation idea. Please look for it. You’ll have an opportunity to actually “hear” about the idea. Use it as you like.

Midas Medici (OTC BB: MMED): It’s Just a Question of Time


On Friday, after the market closed, my “sleeper” idea - Midas Medici (MMED)- the Brazilian IT company with well over $100 million in annual revenues and an absurd market cap of under $30 million, gave us more evidence on Friday to believe this stock is going to take off sooner or later.

On Friday after the market closed, MMED announced its CIMCORP subsidiary landed another nice contract. The military police of Sao Paulo, Brazil has awarded the company a $1.3 million contract to upgrade the military’s server infrastructure and virtualization.

At some point investors will blink, and this stock will be $10. It’s not if- it’s when.

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Sauer (SENY) Promising; Stevia (STEV) Faltering

October 18, 2011
XIII, Issue 100

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Sauer Energy (OTC BB: SENY) Holding Its Own


There’s been two new ideas in the last week. One’s a bit like kissing your sister right now- not much to it yet- the other- remember your SSLs.

SENY- the company introducing a wind turbine for designed for residential use, is certainly having its way from a volume perspective- price wise, it’s not out of the gates quite yet.

Despite the fact the stock is down a whole half penny from my Friday morning entry level, the chart still gives one reason for optimism. As you can see from the bars on the bottom, the volume has been building each day, and with a hour of trading left, it’s the highest volume this week. The stock made a low and reversed.

The next few days are critical. If the volume continues, and the stock starts to get some momentum to the upside, we could be off and running. Keep a careful eye, and if you’re not in, it’s not too late. Nothing has changed- upside target $.90- SSL $.38.

Stevia Corp (OTC BB: STEV), on the other hand, has not done well. Entry level on that stock was $1, and the SSL was $.85. The second day into the idea, despite last week’s volume explosion, STEV is trading at $.83. As I’ve pointed out in the past, making a return on your penny stock dollars is not about finding winners. I’ve proven I can do that. It’s about minimizing the losses. This is the risk end of the market, and you should understand that going in. Minimize your losers, and you’ll make money.

There’s your update for today. I’m watching both stocks for turns up, and I’ll be on top of it if there’s a major transformation in either of these stocks.

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Stevia Corp (STEV): Volume Breakout Alert

October 16, 2011
XIII, Issue 97

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Pretty Flowers Equal Profits


The pretty flower you see pictured here is all about your Blood Glucose level, believe it or not.

This is one of the species of the genus Stevia- a genus of about 240 herbs and shrubs in the sunflower family. The word “Stevia” is derived from the more common names for this genus: sweetleaf, sweet leaf, and sugar leaf.

Why is this so important? Because the extract from Stevia has 300 times the sweetness of sugar, and the taste has a slower onset and a longer duration. Most importantly, Stevia extracts have little effect on the consumer’s blood glucose levels. Therefore, none of the bad stuff associated with sugar.

What that means? Stevia is the new major sugar substitute on the block.

Widespread use of Stevia as a sweetener goes back to Japan in 1970. Western cultures were slow to adapt as we had other artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose, and saccharin.

The food industry is now moving away from chemical, artificially created sugar substitutes towards the natural product. Artificial sweeteners are known for their questionable after taste and controversial heath hazards.

Stevia appears to be the first fully adopted sugar substitute with known of those characteristics. It’s use is being widely adopted- want some of the names? You really only need to know 2- Pepsi (NYSE: PEP) and Coke (NYSE: K)- need I say more? There’s many more, but that’s about all you need to know in the beverage industry.

Stevia production is growing very rapidly on a global basis as demand for the natural sugar free sweetener is growing very dramatically.

After FDA approval in 1998, it took one year for Stevia sales to surpass sales figures for both saccharine and aspartame. Stevia is now in over 6,000 products and growing rapidly. In 1998 The Wall Street Journal called Stevia the “Holy Grail for beverage companies”, and the Journal has turned out to be right.

Enter Stevia Corp (OTC BB: STEV): Hot Right Out of the Gates


On September 22nd, Stevia Corp completed a voluntary share exchange with Stevia Ventures International, and the public company was born.

Stevia Corp is now a farm management company with a focus on Stevia agronomics, which include plant breeding, best agricultural practices, and post-harvest techniques. Presently, STEV has acquired two grower supply contracts and three nursery fields in Vietnam.

Last week on September 12th, STEV announced it had entered into a two year development agreement with Agro Genesis, a Singapore based Agro expert.

This presentation is going to be (yes pun intended) short, and SWEET. Why, because this is all about the volume. Consider this edition a MAJOR VOLUME ALERT.

STEV has only been public for a couple of weeks. In general, when companies come public via RTO, it takes a while and some corporate achievement for interest to develop in the stock. Not the case with STEV- this stock is absolutely rocking on the volume side.

Forget for the moment the size of the industry and the use of the product. When you look at the very recent volume in the stock, it tells you there is something very interesting and there are high expectations by the market for upside movement in STEV.

Look at the last 7 trading days- here’s the successive volume, starting from zero:

  • 985,685
  • 871,673
  • 1,117,551
  • 665,760
  • 200,890
  • 178,530
  • 574,488

With really little news and little fanfare, this stock has traded a total of 4,594,577 shares. That’s nearly $5 million worth of stock changing hands in the first 7 trading days of this stock’s life.

There’s something big going on here, and the volume is tipping you off.

I believe there’s a good chance this stock is ready to explode off the screen. The downside risk seems worth the upside as the stock is very liquid, but hasn’t really broken out to the upside yet.

I believe, in the short term (next 2 to 4 weeks), this stock could easily be headed into the $1.30 to $1.50 range, which represents a 30% to 50% return for you in a very short period of time.

Accumulate up to $1.10. SSL: $.85 (seems reasonable to risk 15%). Short term price target: $1.30 to $1.50, with a longer term price target of $3 to $5 looking out a year to 3 years.

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Anybody Can Deliver Solar- Sauer Energy (OTC BB: SENY) Delivers Wind

13, 2011
XIII, Issue 95

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Anybody Can Deliver Solar

Residential solar is widespread in California where I live. Probably 40% of the homes in my neighborhood have solar panels on their roofs. The State of California has kindly provided tax subsidies for homeowners who installed solar as it helps diminish energy demand and gives people jobs. Wait a minute- that actually sounds like a good government program!!! Well, every now and then an accident happens and the government does do something right. Now- about that 13% unemployment…..

While solar panels are the energy saving norm, there’s a whole other “Green” opportunity that has not been available at the home owner level.

Did you ever see the movie Rain Man starring Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise? Hoffman won the Academy Award for his performance as the autistic math savant.

In the early scenes from the movie, Cruise’s character is seen driving a Lamborghini along the I10 Freeway near Palm Springs. As you are headed east on the 10, you drop over a ridge into enter into the narrow head of the Coachella Valley- home of Palm Springs, Palm Desert, and some of the greatest golf courses in the world.

The winds howl consistently through the head of the valley, and one of the most impressive “Wind Farms” on Planet Earth stretches for miles. These turbines power the entire Coachella Valley and some of LA, and there are literally thousands along the Freeway as you drive in.

This wind technology works, and is becoming more widespread every day. However, it’s not commonly available for individual homes on an affordable basis- until now-

Enter Sauer Energy (OTC BB: SENY): The first to market with an affordable solution to installing alternative energy wind turbines for the home.

While that’s all nice, here’s what’s really important. I believe the stock is poised to make a 50% to 100% move in the next 30 trading days, and you have the Pole Position.

Read on McDuff…..

Sauer Energy (OTC BB: SENY) Has Done It

You’re looking at it. To my knowledge, the first wind turbine specifically designed for residential installations.

As you can see from the picture, this is a rather modest home, and the unique turbine is unobtrusive. While it looks simple, the blades of the turbine have a revolutionary, high efficiency design.

For starters, government subsidies make this new technology affordable for almost any homeowner. The purchase and installation cost is about $8,000.

The California Energy Commission will give you a rebate of $4,500. The Federal government will provide $2400 in tax credits. Out of pocket, the projected net cost is $1,100.

The unique design of the windmill collects wind from 360 degrees. The super light weight composite material turns the turbine will little effort.

For a mere $1,100, you can generate your own electricity for your own home in the mildest of wind conditions.

To learn more about the company, visit their web site a

SENY is now moving rapidly from a development stage company to a commercial enterprise. According to one report I’ve read, over 100,000 potential customers have registered at SENY’s web site for information on how they can get the system installed at their home.

SENY is on the verge of commercial introduction, and one research report I read forecast SENY would generate $4.5 million in 2012- their first year of coming out of R&D and commercially introducing the product.

SENY’s unique product is starting to gain recognition. In September, SENY was invited to showcase it’s system at a private educational event hosted by the University of Southern California, and sponsored by $12 Billion Edison International.

What’s the Sucking Sound?

Think that sucking sound is the wind? Well, if it’s the wind, and it blows the trading level of this stock back up the charts to the levels it enjoyed in the Spring, we’ve got a lot to gain here.

I believe that sucking sound you here is the wind getting ready to push this one back up the chart.

Things are changing rapidly. SENY is starting to get a lot of media coverage and invitations to prestigious events. The company is actively recruiting distributors all over the country, and has publicly stated their residential wind systems will commercially available for the first time in Q1 of 2012- which is just around the corner.

When investors first learned about this company in the Spring, the stock traded up into the $1.30 range, but they were ahead of the gun on commercial introduction. So, as the company starting gearing up to produce the systems over the summer, the stock headed south.

It’s been trading in the $.50 range for the last 2 months. If this stock didn’t go down in August or September when the markets were a bloodbath, I don’t know why it would go down now. If you can pick up this stock at or near $.50, the downside risk in the short term seems pretty minimal to me.

I believe this stock is ready to break out again, and will be at much higher levels one month from today. Here’s my suggestion for this trade:

Accumulate up to $.55 to $.60. Look for $.75 to $.90 in the next 30 days (40% to 80% roi), and set your SSL at $.38.

I believe we might have another 50% to 80% winner in the very short term. Updates to follow.

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Vringo (AMEX: VRNG) Rings the Profit Bell

  October 12, 2011  
XIII, Issue 94

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Vringo Rings the Profit Bell

We’re making some real progress on this alert already. Remember, the last time I published on Vringo (AMEX: VRNG), it took a week or so to notch a 44% gain. Nevertheless, as you can see from the chart, yesterday’s opening trades were at $1.36. The high print today has been $1.69.

From yesterday’s opening trade, to today’s high trade, there’s a 24% move. The only way to have captured that move would have been to trade into the stock right at yesterday’s open, then leave an open, good-till-cancelled limit order to sell 20% higher. You would have scalped a beautiful profit.

If there’s some follow up news soon, we’ll likely see a repeat of the 50% we made on the stock back in May. Stand by, and keep your SSL in place. As long as the highs keeping getting higher each day, and the lows get higher, it’s going to be a money maker.

Now- let me ask you this. There are highly successful small business all over the country installing residential solar power. It might not be so great in Seattle, but if you live in Phoenix you can all but eliminate your air conditioning bill and get a tax incentive for installing the systems.

Suppose there were a company that could offer those same cost savings using a different form of renewable energy, and suppose that company was publicly traded?

Also, suppose that company’s stock had been literally cut down to 1/3 of last May’s price where it traded millions of shares, has been sideways for 2 months, and is ready to come charging back up the charts?

If these kinds of low risk entry points on very hot stocks interests you, stand by for a new idea post close tomorrow. I see this one being Deja Vu all over again. It was red hot in the spring, and I believe it will be red hot again- very soon.  As usual, OTC Journal subscribers get the pole position.

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V’Ringing The Profit Bell Again- With A Facebook AP Vringo (VRNG)

  October 11, 2011  
XIII, Issue 93

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V’Ringing the Profit Bell: Again- With A FaceBook AP

Ever feed a stray cat? What happens? The cat shows up again for a repeat. Cats know how to survive and prosper anywhere, and I know how to survive and prosper in the world of small and microcap stocks.

So, like the cat who shows up for its next meal, I’m hungry, and going back to the same stock for another meal of profits.

Vringo (AMEX: VRNG) was very good to us the first time around, had a couple of tough months, and now appears to be ready to pounce to higher levels once again. These mobile stories are just growing like weeds, and VRNG is right in the middle of the content revolution finding its way to your cell phone.

I first featured VRNG back on Sunday, May 1st. I called it the company that allows you to "Watch My Cell Phone Ring". VRNG has spent years developing video technology that allows callers to "push" unique video content to other smart phones when they call. The video content becomes the ring tone the recipient hears and sees.

For example, your daughter could record a short video message- something like "Hi Dad, it’s your daughter Laura calling". When she calls, the video/audio message becomes the ring tone. Clips from movies can be pushed as well. It’s the first technology I’ve even seen that allows the sender to set the ring tone, and the ring tone can be video/audio. Fantastic stuff.

Obviously, it doesn’t work on every cell phone. It has to be a more advanced hi-tech phone. The company has teamed up with major cell carriers and content providers all over the globe- especially in the Far East and on the India sub continent where smart phone use is far advanced as compared to the US.

The service is now available to millions of users through multiple mobile carriers in India. Their APs are being rapidly adopted in Malaysia. Adoption is starting to gain momentum.

The major marketing push for VRNG’s visual ring tones started over the summer, and in Malaysia, where users have limited access to computers and tend to rely more on the Smart Phones and their excellent networks, VRNG’s product has already been downloaded by 300,000 users.

As their technology started being adopted, there have been a couple other corporate developments- VRNG recently closed a $2.5 million financing with Silicon Valley vc firms Benchmark Capital and DAG Ventures, and received an extension through year end from the NYSE AMEX to meet their requirements for continued listing- all good stuff. But here’s the really big news:

VRNG is starting the deployment of a new killer ap: The "Facetone", which of course integrates with a Facebook Page. Read on………

Enter "Facetones"- the Killer VRNG AP

VRNG’s Facetone is one very cool product, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see this one become highly viral- in fact- it already is.

It was just released last week for U.S. users through Verizon’s V Cast store- it now works with many Verizon phones, and VRNG is working on the iPhone version right now. Click Here to check it out.

Here’s what this AP does. When you load the AP into your phone, it goes into your contact list, and matches all of your contacts with their Facebook Page.

Now, when you are talking to one of your contacts on your Smart Phone, all the most current pictures and postings from their Facebook Page scroll by on your screen. Vice versa- all of your latest Facebook Content scrolls by on their screen even if they don’t have the AP loaded into their phone.

Delivering the content is pretty cool, but the technology side of this is more difficult than you think. Almost all Smart Phones go into a shut down mode of all other applications when you’re speaking on the phone. FaceTones overrides the shut down, and allows this content to appear on the screen.

This new form of social media now allows you to catch up with someone’s latest Facebook entries while you’re actually talking to them from anywhere. That’s what I call cool stuff. Verizon is advertising it as a $2.99 AP, or $.99 per month if you prefer.

Most other carriers are also offering a free version with advertising content embedded.

The first 100,000 of these APs have already been downloaded, and this is going catching on very quickly. With each call, the other party receives a solicitation to download the AP, so as it becomes more widespread, it will be become highly viral. VRNG reports 30% of the downloads are coming from completely unidentified sources, which makes them users who experienced the AP elsewhere.

Last week, VRNG announced the AP was available on Verizon, and now you’ll see why I believe we might be in for a repeat of the 50% return we experienced on this one back in May.

As you can see from the chart, on the news the stock gapped up from $1.32 to $1.90 at the open.

And, what do I keep saying about gaps in a chart? Gaps are a vacuum, and nature always tries to fill a vacuum. Therefore, VRNG becomes a buy again when the gap from last week gets filled.

As you can see from this chart, the stock has come back and nearly filled this gap. Time to start climbing again, and I expect the stock to do so on the heels of today’s pre open news. Read on again…… 

Vringo (AMEX: VRNG) Doubles Down in Malaysia

Celcom is Malaysia’s biggest mobile service provider, and the one VRNG didn’t have. VRNG has Celcom now, as was announced just before the market opened today.

Celcom is the biggest in Malaysia, boasting 11 million customers, and its network reaches 98% of the population. Celcom is part of the Axiata Group of Companies that reaches 160 million customers across 10 Asian nations.

Here’s what I find interesting. VRNG’s APs get marketed by the second largest mobile carrier in Malaysia. 300,000 downloads later, all of a sudden Celcom, the largest carrier in Malaysia, is offering their APs as well.

What’s next? Well- there’s two distinct and not totally separate possibilities. Since Celcom is part of a group, how about the possibility of expanding to the other 10 mobile service providers in the group, and reaching 160 million customers instead of 11 million?

Also, now that Verizon has picked up the VRNG AP, could other US based carriers be far behind?

The New York Times called VRNG "the next big thing in ringtones". USA Today said their service has "to be seen to be believed".

Here’s how I see this. VRNG has a lot of momentum. Revenues are starting to climb. Their APs are highly creative and in demand. There’s already be 500,000 downloads of their services combined just since I started covering the company. Volume is coming back into the stock. Market conditions are improving. Everything you could ever want in a stock is happening here.

Mobile and Social are two of the hottest growth areas in the market. This company has combined them both.

VRNG closed at $1.42 yesterday. I don’t know where it will open today. The highs are now starting to get higher, and the lows are also getting higher. That’s known as an UPTREND.

I suspect the stock can easily get back to last week’s high, and possibly push on from there if there’s more news behind today’s.

Accumulate up to $1.60. Short term target: last week’s high or $1.90. Longer term look for the former high of $2.60 (83% higher than Monday’s close). Looking a year down the road? $5 is possible. SSL: $1.30.

This one could really rock.

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Feeling For the Heat

  October 6, 2011  
XIII, Issue 91

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Feeling For the Heat

So- where’s the heat? Where are we going to find something hot that everyone is piling into.

Well, Sunday before last I broke my streak. After having 4 nice profitable Sunday ideas in a row, it was inevitable we would have one that didn’t go our way.

Sagebrush Gold (SAGE), picked at $1.03 two Sundays ago, September 25- headed South in pretty short order.

I’m going to keep reminding everyone about the SSLs- in case you were wondering or didn’t get it, SSL is an acronym for Suggested Stop Loss. Every time I publish a new idea, it includes the following:

  • The Entry Level
  • The Target Price
  • The SSL (Suggested Stop Loss)

Of those three, the SSL is probably the most important. I’ve proven I can find great trading wins in penny stocks time and time again. But, just like every market participant, there are going to be time when it simply goes against you.

The key to making money is minimizing the losses. That’s why you need to adhere to the SSLs. In the case of SAGE, the entry level was $1.03. The Target price was $1.50. The SSL was $.90. It’s now almost 2 weeks later, and the stock is trading at $.54.

Prior to SAGE, I covered NYXO, AAGC, TKDN, and GCLL- all of which were great trading wins.

So, if you had traded into SAGE under $1.10, and you sold when it went the other way down to $.90, you’ve taken a small loss, and you’re living to trade another day.

On the Entry Level- Entry levels reasonably close to the original price are fine. On the entry, the key is to avoid big gaps. If I’ve suggested a certain stock when the market is closed, if it gaps up 10% or more from its closing price, wait for it to come back down. They almost always do.

On the Target Price- Sometimes they trade up nicely, but don’t get all the way to the target. Don’t be afraid to lock in some or all profits when the stock is 70% to 80% of the way there.

On the SSL- following this discipline is the key to surviving, making a good total return, and living to trade another day.

So, SAGE was a bust, but I made up for it last Sunday with another feature on Midas Medici (MMED)- the company no one knows about, but will deliver $130 million in revs over the next year.

MMED, which I first featured some time ago at $2.50, made a new all time high of $4 on Monday, albeit on very light volume. When I first covered this stock it had never traded, and no one knew about it. So far, going back a couple of months, we’re up 60% at the all time high. MMED is not your typical stock. On very light volume it could move $.50 to $1 in price very easily. The price is like the weather in Montana- if you don’t like it, wait an hour. It’s happening slowly, but the volume is picking up in MMED.

So, feeling around for the heat, here’s a couple of stocks to watch:

  • I still like MMED for much higher levels. Keep an eye on that one and accumulate on pullbacks. The completion of a major project was announced today.
  • Keep an eye on one of ideas from last spring: Vringo (AMEX: VRNG) looks like it wants to get perky. Announced a deal today with Verizon.
  • Also, keep an eye on SAGE- it sold off so violently in last week’s market drubbing that it might actually end North from here.

I’m going to take this Sunday off, but stay tuned for some very exciting updates next week.

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Brazil Small Cap Stock (OTC:MMED) Getting A Parking Ticket Fixed in Brazil

  October 2, 2011  
XIII, Issue 90

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The Best Brazil Small Stock Discovery: Midas Medici (MMED)

I just kind of lucked into this one. I’m no genius, and at times out right foolish. However, sometimes you learn about something early in the game, follow its progress, and get the benefit of being ahead of the masses pouring money into a stock at higher prices. With the Friday post close news, it could start first thing Monday morning.

This one is going to be a monster Brazilian small stock win at some point down the road. Could be as early as Monday or sometime next year. This one is also destined for the AMEX or NASDAQ in pretty short order.

I first reported on this stock a few months ago, and because it’s a bit thinly traded, it shot up and down, offering a great opportunity for a trade between the $1.00 and $3.50 range for those with the skills and a little patience.

However, I see the opportunity disappearing sometime in the near future because the stock will be higher. This stock would probably be $6 today if not for the crazy market environment.

It’s worth remembering many important market bottoms have come in October- Since WWII, Bear Markets that ended in October included 1946, 1960, 1962, 1966, 1974, 1987, 1998, and 2002. The only departure from that timing was the low of March in 2009.

Despite the recent pounding the markets have taken, this stock is trying to break to new highs, and had a volume surge on Friday that suggests a breakout is imminent. If you want to participate in the next surge, you better act immediately, because there’s very little supply in the open market for this one.

As I looked out to the future, I see growth money looking for growth companies, and they won’t find it stateside in the good old US of A. Growth money is going to have to go back to the BRIC nations- Brazil, Russia, India, and China. China stocks have seen three massive bull markets, and are likely to see another. Russia is too unpredictable. India looks promising, but its process is very slow. Brazil looks to be "Best of Breed", and money will be flowing to Brazil stocks.

Imagine a fund manager’s delight when he finds one delivering about $137 million in annual revenues, smack dab in the middle of the most exciting industry of our time, with 300 of Brazil’s 600 largest companies- and the government- as their customer base. Wow.

When I first reported on this company it was about $20 million in annual revenues and $20 million in market value. Now, it’s a least $120 million in annual revenues, and only about $30 million in market value, and parts of the Brazilian government are now lining up to give them business.

So why Brazil?- here are the numbers: Cisco reported 35% growth in Brazil last year, while their overall numbers were up 3%. IBM reported 20% growth in Brazil. Intel predicts Brazil will be the 3rd largest market for computers in 2012.

News post close on Friday. Stock will likely be moving on Monday. Check it out:  

Public Prosecutor Signs On For $2 Million with Midas (MMED)

It’s a heck of a way to make sure your parking tickets get fixed. Just go to work for the Prosecutor’s office, and park anywhere you want- no worries. MMED announced the new contract post close on Friday, and I’ll bet they can get their parking tickets fixed in San Paolo, Brazil from here forward.

CIMCORP- MMED owns 60% of CIMCORP, and over the next year will acquire the additional 40% for a mere $10 million. As part and parcel of the acquisition, MMED’s shares need to trade over $4.50 within six months. If these guys can take a company from $20 million in revs to over $120 million in one year, I’ll bet they can take a stock from $3 to $4.50 without much trouble.

Here’s the profile of CIMCORP: The company provides data center, cloud computing, and virtulization to over half of Brazil’s 300 largest companies and the government. They’ve been around since 1988, have 200 employees, 8 regional offices, 12 distributorships, 3 partner data centers, and a subsidiary in Miami.

On Friday, after the market closed, MMED announced a new $2 million contract with the Public Prosecutors office in San Paolo, Brazil. It’s a major upgrade, and requires the highest level of security.

I expect announcements of contracts like this will now become a regular event for MMED.

This chart is beginning to look very interesting. Volume materialized out of nowhere for this stock back in July. As you can see, during that time frame, the stock went from $1 to $3.50 before quieting back down.

Now volume is starting to materialize again, but there’s a wrinkle. Back in July, this was a $20 million company. Today, the latest research report estimates this company is now running at $137 million in annual revenues, yet there are less than 10 million shares Issued and Outstanding.

Therefore, as of Friday’s closing price of $3, the market is valuing MMED at less than $30 Million. Absurd. It’s going higher- flat out. There was a nice volume surge on Friday, and as sure as the NFL will play football today, this stock is destined to move up on Monday.

Remember where you read about this one first. I have a history of finding these undiscovered gems, and this one is a beauty. Look for a move to AMEX or NASDAQ in the next 6 months.

As a final note, here’s what you get - the OTC Journal reader: the competitive advantage. Q3 just ended on September 30th. The CIMCORP acquisition was completed over the summer. The next quarterly numbers will give a partial picture of the company’s corporate performance for the quarter. It won’t be until Q4 numbers come out that investors will see the whole story.

You have the story out ahead of the rest of the investing world.

In my view MMED is going higher in the short term, and over the longer term, much, much, much higher.

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