Brazil Small Stocks: Large Economy, But No Small Stocks in Brazil

  October 1, 2011  
XIII, Issue 89

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Brazil Small Stocks: Large Economy, But No Small Stocks

Did you know Brazil is the 6th largest country in the world, and has the 7th largest economy? In fact, in Q1 of 2011, Brazil had record lows in unemployment and higher wages than ever in the country’s history.

In Q1 of ’11 the Brazilian economy delivered 4.2% GDP growth. Q2 was 3.1%, up .8% over the previous year. Any way you look at it, growth in Brazil is far more robust than in the US which could be sliding into recession. Since their economy is very resource driven, it has slowed a bit with oil prices coming down, but it is still far more robust than the US economy.

In a recent survey of International private equity fund managers, 70% of those managers stated Brazil was one of the five top destinations for the investment of capital.

Brazil’s largest company- Petrobras, claims there are 13 billion barrells of oil and gas trapped in the South Atlantic.

Brazil is also hosting the upcoming World Cup and Summer Olympic Games.

There’s one other interesting factoid about Brazil I’ll bet you didn’t know. There are only about 100 public companies on the Brazilian stock exchange, and one company, Petroleo Brasiliero (NYSE: PBR) generates 50% of the volume on the entire exchange.

Despite all this growth, believe it or not, there are very few Brazilian small cap stocks for investors to choose from. Gafisa SA (NYSE: GFA) and GOL Linas Aereas Intligentes (NYSE: GOL) are the only two I can find.

Over the past 10 years about 600 small and microcap China based companies have found their way to the US markets, but very few from Brazil. Brazilian small cap stocks are a rare breed indeed.

I’m keeping a careful eye out for the inevitable influx of Brazilian small cap stock to the US Markets. It will be the next wave akin to China, and early stage investors could make absolute killings by identifying the right idea.

I have found the right idea. There is one other Brazilian small cap no one knows about. The company is now delivering about $120 million in annual revenues in US dollars, and trading at less than a $20 million market value for one reason only- no one knows about it.

I’ll provide more information in the usual Sunday release, so get ready to do a little reading along with your Sunday paper before the NFL games start this week.

Oh, and BTW- the stock market continues to be quite shaky, so stick with your SSLs on any of the past ideas. We have to live to trade again.

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Sagebrush Gold (OTCBB: SAGE) (SAGE) and Levi Strauss

September 25, 2011
XIII, Issue 88

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Sagebrush Gold (OTC BB: SAGE) and Levi Straus

It’s an old metaphor, but it certainly applies here. As much as the world is different, tried and true ways to make money in small stocks have survived the test of time, and Sagebrush Gold appears to be a strong candidate for a big profit.

So, what do Levi Strauss and Sagebrush Gold have in common? Simple- they both knew how to make money from a Gold Rush.

Despite the recent pullback in the price of GOLD (which is likely to turn back up in short order), there’s a global gold rush going on out there. With GOLD around $1500 per ounce, it’s amazingly lucrative to pull the stuff out of the ground, and there are dozens of “light on their feet” junior mining companies moving to take advantage of these high prices.

It’s like a 21st Century version the California Gold Rush in the mid 1800′s.

Thousands of miners flooded the California mountains in 1849 looking to stake their claim and get rich. It was a hard lifestyle. So, how many of them got rich? Very few, but one guy figured out how to make a fortune without ever sticking a shovel in the ground.

Working with picks and shovels all day long was pretty rough stuff. Levi Strauss found some really tough fabric- Denim- and instead of sewing all the seams together, he actually riveted the fabric to make it tougher. To serve the 49er Miners, Levi Straus invented blue jeans- the first pants that would hold up longer in that hostile environment.

A few miners got rich, but Levi Strauss made more money than all of them. They all bought his denim jeans before heading up into the mountains. A few miners got rich, but the suppliers got stinking rich.

So, what does this have to do with Sagebrush Gold? Glad you asked.

Nevada has the richest gold deposits in the continental US, and there’s a bunch of junior mining companies staking their claims. They are a bit more sophisticated than the Miner 49ers, but it’s the same idea all over again.

Like Levi Strauss’s blue jeans, Sagebrush Gold has something they all will eventually need, and few of them have. Sagebrush Gold just dropped a cool $20 million on this facility, and it gives the company a competitive advantage in the junior mining world of Nevada.

Read on:

Sagebrush Gold (SAGE) Drops $20 Million on Gold Property and Processing Facility


On August 31 SAGE announced it dropped a cool $20 Million to purchase the Relief Canyon Gold Project in North Central Nevada- right in the heart of Nevada gold country. SAGE paid $12 million in cash, and the seller took $8 Million of the money in secured debt.

The Relief Canyon Gold Mine was operated by Pegasus Mining from November 1986 to September 1990, and is estimated to have produced 100,000 ounces of gold. At today’s price of about $1500 per ounce, it would equate to $150 Million in revenues. The company plans to mine in the existing infrastructure, and expand outwardly to a number of very promising areas in their immediate region.

In my view, what sets Sagebrush Gold apart from all the other Nevada based junior mining companies is the following. The Relief Canyon acquisition includes a complete processing facility! This is the one Junior Mining company that actually has not only the ability to mine for gold, but the ability to process it as well.

The acquisition included a primary/secondary crushing system, a screening plant, a portable conveyer, a leaching pad, pond/pipes and pumping, a processing plant, offices, and a warehouse.

The processing plant sets SAGE aside from all the other junior miners. There a dozens operating in the area, but none of the juniors have the processing facility.

When the Miner 49er’s headed into the mountains in the mid 1800′s, they had to stop and see Levi Strauss on their way to buy their denim blue jeans with the riveted seams.

Today’s gold rush miners need to get their ore processed. They’ll be stopping by Relief Canyon in North Central Nevada, and the company stands to make a fortune- just like Levi Strauss- without sticking a single shovel in the ground.

However, this company will be doing that as well.

The Sagebrush Gold “First Look”

$1.03 on Friday, but $1.50 back in June. In my view, the stock is going back to the $1.50 level it traded to in June in short order.

We have the “pole position” on this one. I expect hundreds of thousands of investors will learn about this company in the next few weeks, and OTC Journal members have the first look. That’s why I put this idea out on Sunday- to give you the first look.

NYXO, AAGC, TKDN, and GCLL- all profitable trading ideas in the last 4 weeks as I released from the Pole Position.

I see no reason why SAGE wouldn’t follow suit with all the others. Let’s make it 5 in a row.

SAGE is definitely separated from the pack with its processing facility and successful mining history.

Geologic estimates on their current resource is over 150,000 ounces of gold- $225 Million in revenues based on $1500 per ounce gold.

This company spent $20 million to purchase a “turnkey” operation, and it plans to turn the keys in very short order, so I suspect there will be a lot of activity and news flow coming out of this one in the near term.

I believe you can easily accumulate this one up to $1.15 to $1.20 this week, and look for $1.50 in the near term.

Remember, you have the pole position, so take advantage of it.

Accumulate up to $1.15. Short term target (30 days) $1.50. SSL: $.85- certainly worth a $.15 to $.20 risk to watch this stock head back to its previous high.

Let’s make it 5 in a row this week.

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Are You Still Ready For Some Football? Nyxio (NYXO) Is!!

September 18, 2011
Volume XIII, Issue 85

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Are You Still Ready For Some Football?

I’m ready to kick back and watch some Football today. After all, it’s the second Sunday of the NFL season- the most popular professional sport in the US today.

Ok- get some snacks ready- perhaps a beer or a soft drink. Break out my Chargers Jersey, and settle in to scream loudly at the TV as the Chargers defense tries to wrestle the ball out of Tom Brady’s hands and get it back to Philip Rivers today so the Chargers have a chance.

I settle in, turn on the TV, and start watching the game.

But wait- The Chargers game is not the only thing I’m interested in. What about the other games? What about checking me emails? What about checking my browser for Fantasy Football updates?

Aren’t all the forms of media we can get merging on our devices through Cable, Fiber, Wi-Fi, 3g and 4g wireless, and cellular? Why can’t I get all that stuff on my TV while I’m watching my game today?

There is only one company that makes a Hi-Def Smart TV that allows you to do everything. This device is the perfect integration of Hi-Def TV and the PC Computer.

I wrote this company up at the end of July at $.60, with a target of $.80 to $1.00, and an SSL of $.50. I missed my target by a few cents- the stock has since seen a high of $.76, and a low of $.45.

The stock made $.74 before it made $.45, so it could be characterized as a win- but certainly not an overwhelming win.

However, this stock has to be looked at again right now because some things have changed.

Let’s start with the commercial launch. Their VioSphere Smart TV is now available for order online starting at about $1,000, and comes with the following components:

  • 22″, 26″, 32″, 37″, 42″, 47″, 55″, and 65″- LCD screen with 1080pHD.
  • Touch Screen
  • Built in DVD Player/Burner
  • Bluetooth- wireless key board and devices
  • Wi-Fi
  • Ethernet LAN
  • 10-11 mega pixel embedded Web Cam
  • 320GB hard drive
  • Inputs: HDMI, USB, VGA, S-Video, DVI, AV, microphone, and headset jacks

I know the phrase “Disruptive Technology” is a bit of a cliche, but it applies here. This thing could be disruptive, and it could really capture the imagination of investors.

So, What’s Changed?

A few things have changed since I first featured this company on the last day of July. For starters- investors love this one, and the daily volume shows it.

This stock now trades 300,000 shares on a quiet day with frequent drafts up over 1 million shares in a day.

Secondly, we just haven’t made enough money in this one yet. I first featured it at $.60, and Friday it closed at $.64. Ok, we’re not going broke, but we haven’t made enough money on this one yet to get excited.

Ok- that’s two good reasons to trade into this stock immediately. However, there’s an even better reason to do it right now!!

Ray Dirk’s research was out with commentary on this company last week. Dirks is a former Goldman Sachs analyst, who now writes occasional commentary on small and micro cap stocks.

On September 10th, Dirks published a report claiming, as follows:

“Nyxio Technologies will be able to announce a number of Substantial Orders for its Innovative New Products in the next few weeks and months. The VioSphere Smart TV product alone could generate orders of Two Hundred Million Dollars or more in the next few months. For all of the reasons spelled out in this article on Nyxio Technologies (NYXO), Ray Dirks and his Team of Money Managers and Security Analysts believe that NYXO should appreciate by ten times to about $3.00 per share within One Year, go up by 20 times to about $7.00 per share within 2 Years, and rise by over 40 times to at least $12.00 per share within 3 Years.

So, since July, all you have is the commercial introduce of their “Disruptive Technology” product, volume increasing to 300,000 to 1 million shares per day, and a respected analyst calling for $200 million in sales and $3 per share in the next year.

I believe I need to make a change on NYXO. I think the short term target needs to be $1.20, and the SSL should be dropped to $.50. The most important consideration- if this company starts announcing large orders, you don’t want to be watching the stock- you want to be watching their TV as the stock you own climbs the charts. What’s the risk? There’s been no big orders yet, but the stock hasn’t given much ground either, so the downside seem pretty limited.

A quick glance at the chart tells you all you need to know- this stock is starting to get what your favorite NFL team needs- the BIG MO!!! Momentum to the upside.

Look for large product orders to start driving this one higher.

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AAGC- An Emergency Entry Level

September 13, 2011
Volume XIII, Issue 83

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An Emergency Entry Level

Everyone is talking about gold these days. Let’s see if I’ve got this straight. The US Federal Reserve is printing money as fast as it can in order to pay the US Government’s bills- not too prudently spending $1.3 trillion more than it takes in.

Some Europeans countries (can you spell Greece?) are likely to do the unthinkable and default on their sovereign debt.

The European banking system is teetering on the brink of complete demise- much like the US financial institutions in 2008. The EU- being a bit of a rag tag group of have (Germany) and have nots (there’s Greece again) countries, can’t agree that 1. Their banks are broken with over leveraged balance sheets, and 2. The banks are nearing the point of no return.

So, what happens to currencies in an environment like this? Well, the currencies of the overleveraged countries goes down, and the currencies of the financial strong countries goes up.

But- hold the phone- If the Dollar and the Euro are in big trouble, where does the long currency money go? Well, it would go to the currency of the most fiscally stable country in the world- China.

But- hold the phone again- what if China is too controlling, and doesn’t let its currency go up based on supply and demand so it can keep its manufactured goods competitive on a global basis?

You got it- put the phone down. The world has found a replacement currency, and GOLD is it. GOLD has not made this meteoric climb as a precious metal or a hedge against inflation. It’s climbing because it has become the 21st Century bull market currency.

So, until the European banking crises and sovereign debt issues are resolved gold is likely to continue climbing. Until the US enacts a plan the market likes to control and reduce deficit spending, GOLD is likely to continue climbing.

While simply buying gold might be part of the answer, don’t you find it hard to buy something that has moved so far and so fast? I do. I saw an interview with Robert Prechter the other day- one of the all time market gurus- he said he loved gold at $284, but he’s not interested at $1800.

I get his point. So, how does one intelligently participate in GOLD?- through junior mining stocks. This is a hot sector, and will likely continue to be hot for a while. There’s a real disconnect- Gold either has to come down $500 per ounce, or junior miners need to go up. It’s inevitable.

This is an emergency report. I was planning on putting it out in a day or two, but the way this stock is trading- I felt you needed to see this immediately, because there might be a strong bounce here. I don’t want you to miss it.

All American Gold (OTC BB: AAGC): Let The Drilling Begin

Here’s a couple of factoids to get us started.

  • Nevada is the #1 producing gold state in the US
  • Nevada is the #4 largest producing gold region in the world
  • 5.6 million ounces of gold were mined in Nevada two years ago

Now, I don’t want to talk a lot about AAGC, because this idea is mainly technical. The chart is telling you to act immediately.

So, let’s go through this quickly. AAGC has 3 gold mining sites in Nevada- the Goldfield West property, The Golden Jackpot property #1, and the Golden Jackpot Property #2.

Goldfield West is the most important today. AAGC just announced it was commencing drilling on the property. The particular property is located a mere 4 miles from International Mineral’s Gemfield Deposit.

Historic production of above 17 g/t au per ton has come out of this area. The means the area yields 17 ounces of gold for every ton they mine.

According to CEO Brent Welke, 138 drill holes have been completed in the area, and an 800 meter long north/south structure has been identified.

A test drilling in this section in 2010 yielded the possibility of gold values up to 1.45 g/t.

All of the drill holes will be focused on both ends of this structure, and results will be compiled by and independent geologist.

There’s two more areas just like it for AAGC to work down the road.

Now- let’s get on to the good stuff.

A Retracement Fibonacci Would Be Proud Of

After 23 years of stock watching, I think I’ve got it nailed. At least some of the time.

I have found over the years, the highest probability, lowest risk entry point one can have in a stock is a perfect 61.8% Fibonacci Retracement. Go ahead and Google “Fibonacci Retracement”. You will see all sorts of technical commentary and information about how Fibonacci Retracements are used by chartists.

This is the guy right here. 12th Century mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci was a pretty smart guy.

Along with the famous Fibonacci Sequence, he figured out many mathematical formulas and ratios that are still widely used today.

He observed ratios that constantly re occur in nature. The two key numbers he computed were a 38.2 ratio, and a 61.8 ratio. Here are some examples.

Most peoples arms go 61.8% of the way to the ground. Sunflower petals are 38.2% longer, or 61.8% shorter than the ones next to them. The pyramids are 31.8% lower from one to the next.

The Fibonacci Retracement has been the most tried and true technical indicator for me over the years, which is why I had to get this idea to you right away.

When I see a stock going up, I’m looking for a pullback for a favorable entry point. I always start looking when the stock pulls back 38.2% of the last move, but the ideal place to come in is a 61.8% retacement.

Want to see a perfect 61.8% Retracement? Check out the chart of AAGC.

Here’s the beauty of pouncing on a stock at the 61.8% retracement level. If the stock has dropped to that level, it’s either going to rebound, or it’s going to fall through that level.

Odds are it will bounce. But, if it doesn’t you can keep a tight stop, because any further price erosion means it’s likely going lower.

As you can see from the chart, AAGC started its run at about $.35 in early July, and made a high of $.95 a couple of days ago. In the last two days profit taking overwhelmed the stock. This is a nearly perfect 61.8% retracement, and the absolute ideal, lower risk entry point.

This chart is the reason I needed to get this idea to you today and immediately.

It’s clear the stock was hit with profit taking, and that panicked other, more recent investors to sell as well over the last 2 trading days.

The stock saw a low today of $.54, but bounced to close at $.60. The absolute perfect 61.8% retracement was $.5765.

This stock is likely to bounce. It might go back to its previous high, which would be huge technically. In the short term, it probably wants to bounce from here.

Here’s my thoughts on the trading side: Accumulate up to $.63. Set your SSL 10% below your entry level. This one could easily go back to its high in the $.95 range short term. If it does, there’s even higher levels ahead.

Look for the stock to bounce to its previous high, then work higher. When an opportunity presents itself, sometimes you just have to move on it.

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Take Down Entertainment (TKDN): Fighting Its Way Higher

January 13, 2011
Volume XIII, Issue 4

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Look Back to 2008

2008 was one of the ugliest years I can ever remember. In the Fall of 2008, it appeared the world was coming to an end, and the value of every asset on the planet would plunge to an unprecedented low.

During 2008, aside from the imminent collapse of the financial institutions, here’s how the sports business world looked:

  • The US Jobless Rate hit a 14 year high
  • The PGA Tour was losing corporate sponsors in droves
  • Manchester United, the most valuable soccer franchise in the world, was $1.3 billion in debt
  • Bud Selig, commissioner of Major League Baseball, was out saying teams could not raise ticket prices, and should lower them.
  • NASCAR was losing paying fans in droves

Across the sports world, revenues were falling, fans were dropping out in droves, sponsorships were drying up, and endorsement money was falling off a cliff.

While all this was happening, a little known sport known as “Mixed Martial Arts”, was growing massively in popularity.

The largest fight promoter in the industry- UFC (Ulitmate Fighting Championships) was dubbed the “Ulitmate Money Machine” by Forbes Magazine.

During 2008, one report published by a well known growth analyst suggested MMA had already surpassed professional boxing and would surpass NHL Hockey by mid 2009. Another report suggests MMA has already surpassed NBA baskeball for popularity amongst suburban youth.

In 2001 UFC was bleeding cash, and casino giants Frank and Lorenzo Fertitta invested $2 million in UFC’s parent company Zuffa. Zuffa was worth over $1 billion by 2008, and I’m not sure how much its worth today- I know it’s a lot more.

In 2009, an event held in Las Vegas two weeks before the Super Bowl hauled in $25 million in revenues- 10,700 paid an average of $340 to see the show live, and revenues were generated from Pay-Per-View, merchandising, etc.

500,000 viewers were willing to pay $55 to see Pay-Per-View versions of events in 2009. This new “genre” of sports entertainment was thriving back in the 2008 to 2009 time frame when the world was falling apart, so imagine how it’s doing now?

Take Down Enertainment (OTC BB: TKDN); Taking It To the Next Level

The hot new player in the MMA scene is Take Down Enertainment (TKDN). There’s been a price and volume explosion in the stock over the last week, and the last two days have seen huge volume spikes as the stock continues to move higher.

This one is definately a momentum play, and this Sports Marketing company is focusing its energy aggegating the rapidly growing global content. On August 27th, there was a big event held in Rio’s HSBC arena, and the event sold out in a little over one hour. The event also aired on Pay-Per-View.

Revenue streams in the industry are being generated by ticket sales to events, pay-per-view fees, television licensing, consumer product sales, digital media revenues, and advertising and sponsorship fees.

The MMA industry as a whole is now valued in the $3 billion range.

While UFC still dominates the industry, there are now thousands of smaller promoters popping up everywhere on a global scale, and fans want to see the events.

Enter TKDN as a content aggregator. TKDN is aggregating the events of these thousands of smaller global promoters, and making their fights commercially availble on all the media outlets. TKDN is consolidating the content of thousands of smaller web sites and digital media content to a “one stop shopping” theme for fans.

The company has been getting some major traction of late, recently signing distribution agreements with independents in droves. Here’s the list of producing companies TKDN has signed with just since late July:

  • SportFight Signs on July 26th
  • Victory Fighting Championship signs on July 28th
  • Ultimate Fighting Federation signs on August 4th
  • Fight Night Entertainment signs on August 17th
  • X-1 World Events signs on August 22nd
  • Total Combat signs on August 24th
  • Xtreme Fighting Championshiops Signs on August 29th
  • Invicible MMA signs on September 6th
  • Absolute Action MMA signs on September 9th
  • League S-70 of Russia signs on September 12th

TKDN has big plans to consolidate the content all of these smaller independents and distribute it through TV, Online, and mobile, along with acting as the central “hub” for fans to come to in order to find out where the hottest new event is happening.

Merchandise sales will also be a big part of their revenue model as fans are clamoring to buy all sorts of products associated with this sports phenomenon.

TKDN on Fire

As hot as this sport is, the stock is even hotter.This is definately a volume and momentum play, so there might be a lot of money to be made as this stock continues to work higher.

Note how well this stock has behaved since mid August, which happens to coincide with all of the independent producers they have signed since July 26th. Since the end of July, they have signed 10 independents, and seem to sign a new one every few days.

Everyone of these independents will need the service TKDN provides, and TKDN will in turn generate revenues everytime one of these independents puts on an event. I am attending my first event at the end of October- yes- I’m going to see what this is all about.

As you can see, this stock kind of worked its way up to $.90, then the real volume started to come in over the last two days. The volume has absolutely exploded to about 400,000 shares each of the last two days. Not a lot was bought at lower levels, so this stock should be able to continue moving higher.

There’s no reason. with this stock trading as well as it has in very down markets the last two days, it couldn’t trade up another 50% higher over the next 30 days- perhaps more. But, let’s keep it reasonable.

If you see the opportunity in MMA as this company aggegates the content and provides services for more of the smaller entertainment promoters, it could become an acquistion target by Zuffa- the parent company of UFC.

Here’s my thoughts for you speculators that want to make some money. This stock should be owned up to $1.10. Your upside target over the next 30 days is $1.50. Your SSL is $.88- if it trades below the past two days lows of $.90, you’ll want to keep a careful eye.

This company is positioned to take advantage of the growth of the hottest new sport to come along in decades.

Fight your way to making money anyway you can.

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DISCLAIMERThe OTC Journal Newsletter is an electronic publication committed to providing our readers with useful information on publicly traded companies. The Newsletter contracts with publicly traded companies and receives compensation from them in the form of cash and sometimes restricted securities as payment for publishing information and opinion about the company and the trading market for their securities. Principals of the Newsletter may also purchase or sell securities of the companies in the open market from time to time. The positions that the Newsletter or its principals maintain in securities of the companies are disclosed here (click here) and should be considered in making an investment decision regarding these companies securities.ďż˝ The Newsletter may be deemed to have a conflict of interest between its open market activity and positions in these securities and the timing of and opinions expressed in its publications concerning these companies.ďż˝ The publications should not be considered to be independent publications concerning the company.All statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the editors and are subject to change without notice. The Newsletter maintains editorial control over its publications and the companies profiled therein do not have any editorial rights concerning the information published about them. A profile, description, or other mention of a company in the newsletter is neither an offer nor solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any securities mentioned. While we believe all sources of information provided by us and contained in our publication to be accurate and reliable, we cannot and do not guarantee the accuracy of information we received from third parties. MarketBtye LLC has been paid a fee of $10,000 by Winning Media for coverage of TKDN.


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Riddle Me This, You Bat Investors

September 11, 2011
Volume XIII, Issue 80

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Riddle Me This Bat Investors

Riddle me this all you Bat Investors.

For those of you who are too young to remember (probably most of you), it’s a metaphor from the old Bat Man TV series where his arch enemy, the Riddler, would always throw out that line.�

Of course, he had a few more arch enemies.

Moving forward- Riddle Me This? What is:

  • The Fastest Growing Form of Entertainment on the Planet?
  • The hottest merchandising opportunity to come along in years?
  • The most poorly distributed content in the history of entertainment?

And- here’s a few more clues for the Riddle. What entertainment content is in huge demand, but has never been syndicated across all the media platforms of TV, Cable, Radio, Internet, and Social Media?

And, here’s your last clue. What sock has moved up the charts about 40% in the last week on increasing volume, and looks poised for a real break out?

For the answer to this Riddle, check your inbox tomorrow after the market closes.

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August Was Ugly, But We Kicked Butt

September 10, 2011
XIII, Issue 79

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August Was Ugly, But We Kicked Butt

Well, the first business week of the best part of the year is behind us now, and I for one couldn’t be more excited.
This is the time of year I absolutely love- Why? Glad you asked- Because seasonally, we are rolling right into the best time of year to MAKE MONEY IN PENNY STOCKS!!!!!!
I have found over the years penny stocks usually make their annual lows somewhere between July and August 15th. If you have a 4 to 5 month window, this is the best time of year to be a buyer.
September tends to be a bit of a “shake and bake” month, with the market showing signs of life, but not really running. October is generally the “Bear Killer” as it has been so many times in the past.
August tends to be a kind of lazy, low volume month with a slight downside bias. While that’s normally the case, this year August was anything but. I was genuinely getting seasick during the most volatile August I can ever remember.
Global equities got absolutely destroyed in August as investors couldn’t decide whether the threat of default on Sovereign Debt in Europe was better or worse than the massive and building US deficit and our Government’s grid lock on acting to alleviate the problem.
I’m particularly proud of the OTC Journal track record in August against the backdrop of the larger market getting beaten to a pulp. In August I introduced 5 new ideas, and 2 of them ended up being giant wins.
That’s a batting average of .400, which will get you a $40 million contract in Major League Baseball and a place at Cooperstown in the Hall of Fame.
Which brings me to another point that’s very important going forward. With every idea, I provide a suitable entry level, a profit projection, and an SSL. The most important thing to pay attention to is the SSL. If you’re wondering what this means- SSL is an acronym for “Suggested Stop Loss”.
I am going to find winners. I have found dozens of them in the 13 years the OTC Journal has been published. That’s a given. The key to making money is to minimize the losers.
Here are the facts from August: There were 5 new ideas. If you had put an equal amount of money in each one, sold the 3 that traded poorly at my SSL, and held the 2 winners to Friday’s close, you would have a 20% return on your investment dollars.
Now- 20% doesn’t seem like a fortune, but remember, this is only over a few weeks. On an annualized basis- that’s a damn good return.
Considering it was August and the markets were getting murdered, I’d say that’s a huge win.
But, there are much better things ahead. October to April is the best time of year for penny stocks. September could be very strong this year as August was such a mess.
I’m going to try to keep the Sunday program rolling- this seems to be when we get our best result. This week I won’t have anything until after the close on Monday- a day later than perfect, but nevertheless this one looks red hot.

Two Gigantic Wins

Let’s look at our big winners in August, and the second one has been a very pleasant surprise.
On August 14th I published my first edition on Lone Star Gold (LSTG)- the company that is smack dab in the middle of the best gold country in Mexico.
I put out the buy recommendation at $.90, and set our short term upside target at $1.25. My apologies- the stock has only been to $1.22 since August 15th, but seems to want to work higher everyday on darn good volume.
This is one gold stock that has really captured people’s imagination.
The other big win was a bit more of a surprise. I wasn’t sure how investors would respond to this story, but they are loving it and seeing the value in this unique technology.
GreenCell (GCLL), my August 25th idea, has been the standout winner. This stock has made the trip from my suggested entry level of $.45 to a cool double in a couple of weeks.
GCLL is the materials company that can “Take The Heat”.
This is an innovative technology company that has developed ceramic composite materials that remain completely stable at 1800 degrees Centigrade- that’s 18 times the boiling point of water.
The applications for a product like this in any engine environment are endless.
These are two really profitable ideas, but only if you take your profits, so there’s nothing wrong with cutting back a little at some time if you’re way up.
The next profitable idea will come out Monday post close. Get ready for the rest of the year to be profit heaven.
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