Winner #4 in the last 30 days should be dished up post open today, and I couldn’t be more excited about the way things are going. In case you haven’t been paying attention of late, here’s three stocks I’ve been covering that have dished you up monster profits if you invested recently:
Vringo (AMEX: VRNG): IntroducedMay 1st, 2011 at $1.50, closed Friday at $3.62 for a 141% gain.
Liberator (OTC: LUVU): Introduced January 8, 2012 at $.15, closed Friday at $.44 for a 193% gain.
Luxeyard (OTC: LUXR): Introduced April 11, 2012 at $.80, closed Friday at $1.70 for a 112.5% gain.
I know these gains seem extraordinary, and they are. I know there have also been a few losers sprinkled in over that time frame, and there have been. However, these are real returns, and you can just click on the dates, read the original editions, and look at where the stocks are now.
That’s really good news, but there’s great news today as well. I’m as near as certain as I can be that I’ll be adding a 4th recent idea to that extraordinary list based on the pre-open news from one of the other followings.
Please tell me you already own this one. If not, it’s probably not too late. I don’t know where the stock will open or even if it will open a lot higher than Friday’s close. However, today’s news turns the Plandai (OTC BB: PLPL) dream into a reality, and I suspect the stock is poised to rock.
Read on- only if you like making money….
Plandai (PLPL) Gets Its $13 Million; Game On
Lest you think the health food sector has not been hot of late, consider the following:
Annie’s (NYSE: BNNY); organic pasta maker- came public at $19 on March 28th- 30 days later the stock hit $44 for a 131% return
Whole Foods (NYSE: WFM): the best of breed organic grocery store chain has traded from $10 to $85 in the last 3 years- 750% return
Fresh Market (NYSE: TM): the second largest organic grocer- from $32 to $52 in the last year - 62% gain
Hain Celestial (NASDAQ: HAIN): natural and organic food manufacturer was $16 a year ago- $45 now - 182% in the last 18 months
Monster Beverage (NASDAQ: MNST): Formerly Hansen’s natural sodas- $20 to $64 in the past year- 220% in the last 15 month.
So, lest you think this sector is not smoking hot- just look at those numbers and I believe you’ll see it differently.
Identifying the up and coming small stocks in a hot sector can yield remarkable returns.
Today, before the market opened, Plandai Biotech (PLPL)- a stock I featured back on March 26th, announced a watershed event and one that I am very certain will add PLPL to the big winners list featured in the first section.
Rather than a full review of what the company does, I’ll simply reference my initial presentation if you want all the details. The March 26th edition tells you all you need to know. The stock was $.25 that day, and closed at $.28 on Friday- so there’s still plenty of upside.
The quick over view- Plandai (PLPL) is a combination agricultural/biotech technology company. The company’s founders have developed a revolutionary new technique for super charging Green Tea Extract- a food product in huge demand. Rather than license, they plan to grow tea, process extract, and sell it to major beverage companies to maximize their profit potential.
Today, before the market opened, the PLPL horses left the gate. The company has a 49 year lease on 8500 acres in prime South African tea growing country, but needed money to start growing and to build their processing plant.
Today, PLPL disclosed it had finally gotten the long awaited 100 million Rand ($13 Million US dollars) low cost loan from the South African Land Bank- an agency of the South African government.
The terms of the loan are remarkable- they pay .5% interest- yes, that’s 1/2 percent. They don’t have to make a payment for 25 months. It’s secured by the assets of the company and agricultural receivables. One subsidiary must share 15% of profits somewhere down the road.
At $.27, the stock reflected a company with interesting and exciting technology, but no money to implement its strategies.
This is a resounding endorsement of the company from the South African government. Land must be cleared, tea must be grown, and production equipment must be acquired, assembled, and producing.
Can you imagine owning this stock somewhere down the road when they start getting purchase orders from major international names in the healthy beverage industry?
You’re getting this information on PLPL before anyone. The company has filed this information with the SEC, but hasn’t put out a formal press release yet. I’m sure that’s to follow.
By the time you read this, I have no idea where the stock will be trading. If the market hasn’t jumped on it, you might be able to acquire shares at $.30 or under.
Here’s what I know. The company announced this funding from the South African government in January, and the stock ran up to $.60. Then there were complications, and it took 3 more months to close the transaction.
A return to $.60 would be a cool double from Friday’s levels. Regardless of what happens in reaction to the news in the short term, I am certain PLPL will now join the ranks of the big wins listed in the first section of today’s edition.
Much more to come on PLPL.
I’ll be featuring Plandai (PLPL) on today’s BigBizShow at about 12:30PM Eastern, 9:30 AM Pacific. Tune in.
In the last week I’ve made the call on two different stocks that were streaking, and corrected to provide a better entry point for those who either missed the first run, or traded out for a profit.
One gigantic win, and one fizzled. In Major League Baseball with a bat in your hand, that will get you millions. In small stocks, it’s still pretty darn good- after all, stocks go only go to zero- there’s no ceiling as to how high they can go.
My win- calling the bounce in Luxeyard (LUXR)- which looks like it could make a new all time high today or tomorrow. As I disclosed in a previous edition, I sold some of the shares I own the last time the stock was close to the $1.20 level- I still own most of it- not this time- I believe the stock is destined to surpass $1.50 and might even find $2. Putting all the ups and downs aside, I picked it at $.80 on April 12th- $1.15 today for a 44% gain.
Yesterday call for a bounce on American Liberty (OREO) was premature- it appears I missed it by a day. If you pick it up on the open, you’re in at $1.40- now $1.30, but below my SSL of $1.30, so you might be out. The stock could still set up for a rally, and the volume is coming in nicely.
Perhaps unnoticed in yesterday’s trading was the big bounce in Nuvilex (NVLX)- which I called at $.06 back on March 18th. I’m sticking with this one for six months. I love the technology they’re working on. The stock has been quiet of late, but hit $.077 yesterday on huge volume- interest in surfacing. Net gain on that one 28% from day 1.
The Next Bounce: Plandai Biotech (OTC BB: PLPL)
I’m calling it - right here, right now. It’s sometimes tough to call the streaking stocks- up and down. Sometimes you just don’t hit the number perfectly. So, if you want to make money, and want to get in ahead of the crowd, perhaps it makes sense to look at one that is quiet, down, under followed, and no one wants. Then, when the market goes nuts for the stock, you can be a seller and notch some significant gains when everyone else is piling in.
I’d ask you to look back at my presentation on Plandai Biotech (PLPL)- back on March 26th. If you want to read the original presentation, simply go back and click on the date. At the time, the stock was $.25, and it’s quietly hovering just above my SSL of $.18- $.20 bid- but offered at $.245- we started at $.25, so no damage done on this one- still plenty of upside.
If you read the original presentation, this company is a combination Ag/Technology story that has developed a revolutionary new method for processing Green Tea Extract- a substance that is in high demand. This company is making the stuff 10 times more powerful than anyone else on Earth.
The company will be commercializing its product in South Africa with a debt financing of $13 million from the South African government, but the loan has not closed yet. When it does, I suspect the stock will go bonkers. It’s impossible to predict how high it will go, but the stock hit $.75 when the agreement was announced.
Today- in quiet trading, it’s about $.25.
I can’t guarantee it will head back to $.75- but I suspect the company is getting very close to closing this transaction, and once announced the stock will have a new life.
So, it you’re tired of chasing these stocks up and down the charts and trying to get on the right side of a trade, you want to own this one ahead of the closing, which I believe is imminent. If just makes too much sense from an economic development stand point.
Accumulate PLPL today while no one is paying attention. Look what happened with NVLX yesterday. Others have surged out of nowhere. Have a 2 to 4 week window in time, but don’t be surprised if the fireworks happen in short order. It simply makes too much sense- the South African government needs employers in these ag regions, and this company is perfectly positioned to put a mere $13 million to work- that’s chump change on a government scale, but huge for PLPL shareholders.
Catch me LIVE!! on TV every Monday from 12 to 2PM eastern on the BigBizShow. The show broadcasts on several hundred radio shows live, is syndicated to over 30 milion cable homes, and is broadcast on the Armed Forces Radio Network in 79 countries.
From time to time over the last several years I’ve made appearances discussing all sorts of market related topics on the Big Biz Show. The Big Biz show is a kind of irrevant stock market and business related TV show that is also streamed online. It started out on radio, but evolved.
Here’s how the show’s description:
“Thanks for listening and watching �”The Big Biz Show with Sully and Russ T Nailz” nationwide and coast to coast in 35 million cable television homes, and 150 radio stations in 175 countries via American Life Network, Biz Television, FOX Business Network, Armed Forces Radio Network, CBS Radio Network and The Business Talk Radio Network!”
The show has been broadcast every business day from 3PM to 5PM. Starting Monday, the show is moving to the new time slot of 12PM to 2PM eastern time.
Yours truly will be the co-host of this Monday’s first broadcast in the new time slot, so please tune in. I plan to talk about generating income from your stock positions by writing covered calls. Forget dividends- this is the way to go for investors seeking higher returns.
More importantly, the first of my “Big 3″ penny stock ideas is iTrackr Systems (OTC BB: IRYS). IRYS opened at $.68 this past Wednesday when I released the pick, and closed Friday at $.80. There’s been a volume explosion, and reasonable price movement of 17.5% in the first three trading days.
Tune in at 10:20 Eastern time to catch Jeremy Brooks, the President of IRYS, interviewed live on the Big Biz Show.
Rather than try to figure out where it might or might not be on your local cable system, you can watch it, or listen online.
Any way you look at it, my recommendation to invest in the Magic Jack (NASDAQ: CALL) options has been a gigantic win. At the same time, I suggested the Dexcom (DXCM) options, and those were a break even, so no harm done there.
The March 15 CALL call options I recommended back on January 18th at $1.30 closed Friday at $6.70 bid- yielding at gain of 415%.
Time to hang up on the call. Anyone still holding those call options should sell them and close out their position immediately.
Those options will expire in two weeks, and the stock has run up very nicely into their earnings release. No matter how good the earnings, there’s a 90% chance the stock will briefly blip up then sell off after the earnings release.
You might be wondering what the heck is going on with the latest series of publications. It’s time to give you the full view so you’re dialed into the method behind my madness.
Of late, I’ve been referencing three, new, Big Ideas I’ll be delivering over the next several months- the first coming this Wednesday. I’ve also been showing you a marketing campaign featuring penny stock guru Timothy Sykes, which is not the sort of content I normally publish.
The two are intertwined. Let me explain.
2011 was one of the worst years I’ve ever had professionally. I spent the summer months of 2010 working on the launch of my subscription based site, and rolled it out in October of 2010.
After a few months of strong performance, the China small cap sector was decimated in a way I’ve never experienced in the 25 years I’ve been involved in small stocks. I didn’t understand the extent of the high levels of fraud being committed by Chinese companies on US investors. I lost a substantial amount of my own capital, and the service ended up having little value in the face of the tsunami of fraud.
If nothing else, after all these years I know I can make money in the small cap world. I’ve proven it time and time again. In order to reverse the tide, I turned my attention to 3 major new ideas back in the good old USA. I’ve been working on these projects since November, and my efforts are now coming to fruition.
I’m not giving up on the China small cap sector. I simply recognize there’s nothing to be done there for now. The truly great companies in the sector are trading rather listlessly, and as soon as they perk up, I’ll pounce on the solid opportunities that remain.
Exciting new companies come along regularly in today’s penny stock environment. While many of them have little or no audience, the technology exists to develop big followings for the favored few, and I’m going to put you at the front end of major awareness campaigns.
The Timothy Sykes offerings I’ve been publishing of late are all focused around the first of my 3 big ideas. Thousands of potential investors, through a number of publishers, have signed on to learn about the first pick, and you’ll be learning the symbol the day before most of them.
The truth of the matter- I need to make a lot of money this year. I need to make up for last year’s extensive losses. I’ve taken three major positions. I’ve put my own capital at risk.
While I have no contractual obligation to cover any of these names with OTC Journal subscribers, I’m going to- because that’s what I do.
Wednesday’s first idea will feature company that has the potential to revolutionize the way consumers interact with local merchants. The Groupon model is doomed unless the company makes some major changes.
Here’s a phrase I’ve coined that sums it up:
With Groupon, only Groupon wins. With xxxxx, Everybody Wins.
This new company just launched an interface that marries consumers to merchants in a new and unique way, and it is growing and evolving everyday. This company is already providing technology services to the likes of AT&T, Time Warner, Comcast, and many others. It’s no start up.
On Wednesday, you will learn just who xxxx is, and what they do.
In the meantime, if you want to follow the Sykes campaign, here’s the today’s content. If you have an interest, sign up and go through the process. Sykes is a pretty bright guy in this sector, and has a big following.
His involvement gives us a really strong possibility for a great short term surge in this stock simply because in the early going, there will be more buyers than sellers.
I have a pretty substantial position in this stock that I’ve acquired by putting my own capital at risk, so you should probably view that as a potential conflict of interest. If you decide to invest, I might be selling you the stock you’re buying.
In this case, I’m not in a hurry to sell this week- I expect higher levels and better volumes over the next 3 to 4 weeks, so I plan to be rather stingy on providing my shares to the market. Nevertheless, you should view my position as a potential conflict.
Here’s the next installment of the Sykes campaign which you might find interesting and informative.
NEW VIDEO: Big Trade Lining Up
If you like the idea of trading stock promotions (those marketing campaigns that Tim Sykes showed recently that drove stocks up 280% gain in 14 days� 642% in 42 days�and even 1,540% in 21-days in 2011)�
…then Tim’s new video is going to rock your world, because he says another trade is lining up.
The Best Part: Tim�who spent 3 years as a #1
rated hedge fund trader�is going to take you step-by-step through trading one of these promotions LIVE and with REAL MONEY, so you know exactly how to play these promotions.
Just the other week, one of Tim’s students, a college kid, used one of Tim’s alerts on a stock promotion to make 108% in 1 day, without leverage, from his smartphone while waiting in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Remember, Tim has a long history of major successes as a trader, including: In 2007, he was named one of Trader Monthly’s top 30 traders under 30. He turned $12,415 of Bar Mitzvah money into $1.65 million in four years before he graduated from college, and then grew it into $2,730,000# Yes, you read that right, he published his broker statements online to prove it.
Barclay Rankings, the hedge fund ranking company, rated Tim the #1 short-bias hedge fund for three years running, 2003-2006, while he still ran his hedge fund. PLUS�
Tim’s been ranked the #1 trader out of 60,000 traders on Covestor�a website that verifies trades and performance�over the last four years.
When the market crashed in 2008, he still ended his year with a 197% GAIN.
Since 2008, he has helped members in one of his trading services generate a verified $1.7 MILLION in profits. In a second service, he has helped regular investors generate $1.5 MILLION in profits.
So Tim’s not only a great trader, he’s a great trading teacher as well.
If anyone can help you take your trading to the next level, Tim can.
Now he’s offering to take you, step-by-step, through trading a real, live, stock promotion as it unfolds. Just click here to get all the details.
I wouldn’t put this off because you don’t want to miss out on the trades when they come through.
You’re probably not going to believe this, but today’s edition is the first of of my 14th year of continuously publishing the OTC Journal. Yes folks, when I started this, I had hair and enthusiasm for the penny stock sector. The OTC Journal is the oldest online penny stock publication in existance.
Today, I still have my enthusiasm for the penny stock market- the hair? Well, as you can see, not so much.
Over the 14 years I’ve been writing the OTC Journal, I’ve seen a lot of change in the penny stock market. Over the last few years it’s not for the better in my view. Thanks to the internet, the OTC world has changed considerably.
The time frames to trade in and out of penny stocks in today’s market environment can be as short as hours or minutes. There’s hundreds of companies looking for exposure, and the information disseminators like myself have ideas coming at us on a nearly daily basis.
The crowd swings from one idea to the next sometimes 3 times a week because the information can get out so rapidly.
This environment can be tough if you’re not glued to your screen and super active. I much prefer an environment where one can take a position in a stock and watch for slow appreciation over a month or two as the company delivers solid fundamental events and growth, and the audience for the stock expands. These are the quality penny stocks- the ones with lots of upside potential and real growth.
Here’s a peak into the future- I’ve already identified four situations I like that I’ll be covering for at least a month. Instead of “here and gone” stories, you’ll get some real follow up and the ideas will have some time to develop. I expect to introduce all of them between now and the end of March.
Some notables over the years: Big winners included Spicy Pickle (SPKL)- $.50 to $2.00 with total liquidity in the Fall of 2007. That one was particularly satisfying for me as I personally invested in the company before it came public and made net profits of over $700,000 for taking the risk. Unfortunately, the 2008 recession killed the company’s growth prospects, and it’s struggling today.
Force Protection (NASDAQ: FRPT) was my second biggest win of all time. We started with that one around $2, and it eventually hit a high of about $26 as I recall. The company was bought out by General Dynamics this past December, so we can’t look at the chart anymore. That one took nearly 2 years to make its high from the first time I wrote about it.
The biggest win of all time was a company called NetSol International (NASDAQ: NTWK). I first covered it at about $1.80 in 1998. At the top of the dot-com craze in March of 2000, the stock hit $75 in one of the greatest short squeezes of all time. This Pakistani software developer is still around, but not flourishing as they once did.
Of course as is the nature of the penny market, the losers are too numerous to review. I really wouldn’t characterize many of the ideas so much as losers. In the small cap world and penny market, you are going to have losers. That’s the nature of the beast. I’d say I it was more the disappointments that have been difficult- every now and then you come across one of these companies that just looks like it can’t miss. Then, somehow, the management team screws it up, and down it goes. Those are my biggest regrets.
I’m going to try to focus on a little longer term coverages going into 2012 so you have a better chance to make more money without worrying minute to minute.
Here’s a look back to the first edition ever published in the OTC Journal. It was May 8, 1998. The company was San Diego based Ontro, inc. I wrote a preview on an upcoming IPO, and gave the information on where to call to get a prospectus and ask for an allocation of the IPO.
Ontro had developed a revolutionary new product called an “Integrated Thermal Container”. It was specialized beverage packaging- you basically popped the top, and the beverage became either hot or cold in a matter of seconds. It was used for things like soup, and was ideal for soldiers in the field, campers, etc.
I can’t remember what happened with the company. But if you want to stroll down memory lane, Click Here to read my first edition.
Coming Attraction
My first idea of 2012 will be out on Sunday morning. We’ve had some great success with the Sunday releases, and I hope this will set the stage for a fantastic and highly profitable 2012.
Here’s a little preview:
Can you tell me what industry is set to grow from $13.3 billion in 2006 to $46.9 billion in 2030?
Can you show me a company in this industry group that achieved $5.6 million in revs in Sept quarter of ’11- up 113% from the same quarter in ’10?
Can you show me a company like this, but it only trades at $.15 per share, and no one is following it- yet?
I’ve got it for you, and you’ll be able to read about on Sunday for Monday trading. I think this is an easy double from the current level.
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