Regency Resource (RSRS): Technically Tasty

Wow: Zero To Hero In Two Weeks

It’s been a bit of a dry spell lately, with a few of my ideas backing up this year and generating losses. That’s the nature of penny stock investing- when you’re hot, you’re really hot. When you’re cold, it seems like winter in Alaska. You might have thought I couldn’t hit my backside with a tennis racquet. So, just when you least expect it….BOOM

On Vringo (AMEX: VRNG)- if you’re a trader, you should take profits. If you own it from my original call of $1.25 a year ago, last Fall at $1.20, or two weeks ago in the mid $2 range, you should be up anywhere from 220% to 60%. In either case, the stock gets hot when news drives it up, and drifts down when it’s quiet. With Monday’s huge gap up on the Mark Cuban news, it’s time to lock in gains and reacquire when it quiets down. The stock will likely fill the gap and head back to $3.

The response to my Luxeyard (OTC BB: LUXR) idea has been overwhelming. I suggested the short term price target of $1- a 25% gain in a few days. Yesterday the stock closed at $1.19 on 3.6 million shares of volume. A new high for both price and volume. Investors love this one. That’s a 50% gain in the first 5 trading days, which I’m of course very pleased about.

LUXR is just getting started, but it’s not going to rocket up like this everyday. As I’ve disclosed, I have a very large position in both free trading shares and restricted shares, all picked up with my own money. I’ve liquidated a small percentage of shares into this rally, but technically the stock sure looks like it wants to go higher. I have the restricted shares for my long term position, so I’m not afraid to lose a little into this frenzy.

If you’ve been watching, you might want to wait for a pullback to get involved. I don’t know. I could be $1.50 today, or it could be $1. Either way, a short term gigantic win for OTC Journal members.

If you missed my interview with the Chairman of Luxeyard on the BigBizShow on Monday morning, just go to, and hit the play button on the video window whenever you’d like.

Penny stocks are very hot right now. I’m looking for technical breakouts, and watching a couple of names. If you’re looking for a good trade, here’s one you can check out right now. Big volume has appeared out of nowhere, and this one might be just getting started.

Read on………

Regency Resources (OTC BB: RSRS): Technically Tasty

Another one is blowing up out of nowhere. I’m a huge fan of the new direction for digital technologies. Consider my last few ideas: iTrackr (IRYS)- despite it not working out; Vringo (VRNG)- a giant win that helps you watch your cell phone ring; and Luxeyard (LUXR)- the new frontier of digital shopping and a giant short term win.

So, when I see a heretofore unknown and unfollwed stock explode with volume after announcing they are acquring a company that is building out media for delivering content to the next generation of Internet TV, it gets my attention.

3D TV did not take off. I don’t think people really cared about having their TV in 3D- I mean, after all, the Hi Def picture we get now is so fantastic there wasn’t enough incentive to switch your TV out.

However, I can’t tell you how many times I wished I could browse on my TV. There’s so much Hi Def programming you can get online, people want to get it to the TV screen.

That’s probably why investors are pouncing on Regency Resources- soon to acquire Digital Distributed Acquisition Corp, a “media based business offering an in-depth portfolio of content for Internet TV distribution” (according to a recent press release).

I dug into the SEC filings and learned RSRS has entered into a binding agreement to merge, but the merger is not closed at this time, which adds a bit of risk to the idea. Without the Digital Distribution company, the company doesn’t have much.

However, the market seems to love it. As you can see from this chart, the intention to acquire DDAC was announced on the 12th. The stock traded 500,000 shares that day, and has now traded nearly 3 million shares in 4 trading days. That’s quite a step up from less than 10,000 shares a day before the acquisition was announced.

The stock has also traded from $.85 to about $1.10, and could be just getting started. I’ve seen a few of these huge volume surges of late, and they all seem to be taking these stocks higher (see LUXR).

I really like this chart. I suggest owning it immediately, but the lack of information about company leads me to also suggest a tighter stop than normal. If the pattern repeats itself I could easily this one finding its way to $1.75 to $2.

Pick it up in this $1.10 range, but use $.90 for your SSL (suggested stop loss). If it trades below $.90, you’re on your own. However, if this volume continues and the stock continues to look this good technically, you might just find yourself notching a $.50 to $.75 gain (45% to 70% gain) against the possibility of a $.20 loss. I’m looking for this one to find these higher levels in the next two weeks.

All the major manufacturers are beginning to introduce pre configured Internet TVs, and someone has to provide the technology and content to make them worth it. Why not RSRS- if for nothing but a trading profit?

A reminder: Catch me live on TV every Monday from 12 to 2PM eastern.

Simply go to, and click on the “Watch Us Live” button. I’m the guest host on the show every Monday.

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In Case You Were Wondering

In Case You Were Wondering

Just in case you were wondering, I thought it was time to provide and update on my latest ideas- one that has been rather disastrous, and one that is yet to be decided.

Shorting Magic Jack (CALL) for a quick trade and owning iTrackr (IRYS) have been my ideas over the last month, so here’s an update on both:

Shorting Magic Jack (CALL)

I’m not opposed to taking a bite out of both sides of the apple. Magic Jack (CALL) provided us with a generous meal this year as we notched a 400% gain on the call options I recommended back in January when the stock was $16. Now it’s $24.

When you think about the gain, it’s extraordinary. Let’s look at stock market darling Apple (AAPL)- over the same time frame, AAPL has risen from $400 to $600, while Magic Jack (CALL) has risen from $15 to $24. AAPL is up 50%, with CALL is up 60%. So far this year, CALL has been the better stock to own.

Last Friday I recommended going short CALL into their annual earnings report which, according to Yahoo!, was due out Monday after the market closed. I describe this kind of trading idea as an “Event Driven Trade”. The events leading up to recommending the trade are the upside movement in the stock over the past two months, combined with the earnings release.

It’s been my observation over many years of trading that whenever a stock runs up into an event- in this case the year end numbers, 95% of the time it will sell off once the proverbial cat is out of the bag.

In the case of Magic Jack (CALL), apparently Yahoo! and the management at CALL are not talking, and Yahoo! has it wrong. CALL has not released it’s 2011 audited financials, and as such the event I’m betting on has yet to happen.

In fact, if you look at the daily earnings calender, Yahoo! how has the company releasing its numbers every day. Sooner or later their calender will be right.

Fortunately, I chose to buy the April $25 put options at $3, which leaves me plenty of time to wait for the release.

Under normal circumstances, CALL is required to file their annual 10k audited financial statements today- March 15th. However, there are several factors which could affect the timing. If the numbers are not disclosed today, I believe the company has a grace period of a week or so, and then it can file for an extension to buy another 10 days if required to do so. When companies file for an extension, the market generally views this as a negative, so I would expect the stock to ease down during this time frame.

There’s one other factor that could effect the timing- CALL is actually a “foreign issuer”- the company is domiciled in Israel. This could effect the amount of time they are given to disclose their year end numbers.

So, we have no choice but to wait it out- at present, we are simply on CALL Waiting. The company itself has provided no disclosure about when its numbers will be coming out, but this could be one of those situations where they make some sort of announcement a day or two before.

I’m still long the April $25 puts.

iTrackr (IRYS) Clobbered -Attention Kmart Shoppers

My most recent penny stock idea- iTrackr (IRYS) is a bit troubling. There’s really no nice way to say it- this stock has been an absolute mess. This could end up being a great opportunity for those who either sat on the sidelines or sold on the way down, but the chart is just butt ugly.

There’s been a number of explanations bandied about. My own personal conclusion- I believe short sellers pounced on this stock and beat it down back on Monday, the 5th. The sudden drop caused existing shareholders to panic and just sell with little regard for price. Shorts targeted this one due to some rather inflammatory information that was published about the company.

As an young and under followed penny stock, the bottom simply fell out. The volume in this stock has been rather insane against an estimated “effective” public float of about 3 to 4 million shares. At present, the volume would suggest the entire float is turning over every 2 to 3 days.

I suspect this stock could be good for a bounce for a few reasons. For starters, their platform for marrying local consumers to local merchants is just getting off the ground. It’s only available in Beta Test version, but it’s very robust and has a lot of features that should eventually play well with both sides of business.

Secondly, if there is a big short in the stock, eventually the shorts will buy back and close out their positions. That’s how they lock in their profits.

A Fibonacci bounce suggests this stock is entitled to regain 38.2% of the ground it lost. If it does, the target price is circled in green on the chart. The stock would be entitled to bounce back to about $.38 which coincides with the 50 day moving average.

From today’s level, that would be a 52% gain, and a suitable risk. At this point, it’s unlikely there’s a lot of downside risk technically for the next few weeks, as it’s likely everyone that wanted to sell has done so- or pretty close to it.

I sold very little of my rather large position in this one on the way down, so I’m still holding quite a bit and hoping for a turn around.

There’s the update on both situations- just in case you were wondering.

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Flipping the CALL and IRYS Pancake

Flipping the Pancake

Two of my 2012 calls have gone insane this week to the good and the bad, and it’s time to turn the pancake over on both of them. Magic Jack (NASDAQ: CALL), which has been a monster win, is offering us another opportunity to make money in my view. More below.

Recently introduced iTrackr Systems (OTC BB: IRYS), has been a absolute mess and I believe has been targeted by market makers who are aggressively shorting the stock. The stock might have now sold off enough to be good enough for a bounce, and that’s the other side of the pancake.

Here’s a review:

iTrackr (IRSY) Under Attack

My recent idea on IRYS looked pretty darn good out of the gates- having made a short term move from my $.68 entry level to about $.85- a quick gain of about 25% in the first two trading days. Yesterday, however, was a different story.

While I was making an appearance as the guest host on the Big Biz Show ( btw- sorry the online broadcast got screwed up- it should be working now)- the stock got absolutely annihilated.

To me, this looks like a classic manipulated short raid on the stock by market makers. You simply don’t see stocks trade like this for no reason.

Actually, in my view, there were some reasons behind this little penny stock getting tagged with the short seller bulls eye- there was some content published on the company from other sources that was highly inflammatory in my view, and brought poor little IRYS squarely into the short cross hairs.

The stock has traded an incredible amount of volume since making it’s debut last week. There are only about 8 million shares in the public float. The stock has traded 8.8 million shares since last Wednesday- there’s no way every single share in the public float has changed hands.

A quick look at the chart tells the whole story. Stocks don’t drop like that with no news. The two day drop is insane.

The stock may have made its bottom today. There was mid morning news that seemed to turn the tide, and it’s an endorsement of the company’s potential from a really strong investor.

About mid morning IRYS disclosed it has received an executed term sheet from Cornucopia Fund- managed by Omar Amanat. According to the news, Mr. Amanat is the co-founding board member of Twilight Studio as well as Summit Entertainment�s largest shareholder; Peak Group Holdings. He provided and raised 50% of the capital during Peak�s $1 Billion financing of Summit Entertainment. Recently Summit was sold to Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. (NYSE: LGF - News) for $412 Million.

Summit Entertainment owned Twilight Studio- the studio of the Twilight Movie Series Franchise. Just Google Omar Amanat - you will see this guy is one big hitter. The fund executed a term sheet which allows them to invest up to $1 million in IRYS at a fixed price of $.40. It was not disclosed how much has been invested so far. The shares the fund is purchasing will not be free trading for 6 months.

The stock is regaining some ground since this news came out. Perhaps short sellers are rethinking their view on this company after the indirect endorsement of one of the most astute investors and successful businessmen around.

In the meantime, my SSL, as published on the home page, for IRYS was $.60. If you’re out, you might want to consider coming back in. This could be a “V” shaped bottom if short sellers decide to start covering.

This one could be good for a bounce. I haven’t seen one attacked like this in sometime, so it’s a little strange, but could be a tremendous opportunity.

BTW- Full disclosure-I’m still long every single share I had when I published on IRYS last week. I have my own money at risk. I have not been paid anything by the company.

Magic Jack (NASDAQ: CALL) - Let’s Have Another Look

CALL has just gone nuts, rolling through $20 without much problem as settling in around $23. Fantastic move, and I hope everyone clipped 400% off the call options I recommended.

It might be time to either buy a put, sell or call, or short this stock. Next Monday the company comes out with the 2011 year end audit numbers after the market closes.

Now, I have no idea how good the earnings will be, but here’s what I do know.

95% of the time, when a stock makes a big run into earnings, it blips up briefly after the release, then sells off as the hot money comes out on the news.

I see no reason why that pattern wouldn’t repeat itself here.

Tomorrow I’ll have a specific recommendation for a trade on a post earnings pullback.

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Hang Up on The CALL: Catch Me Live With iTrackr (OTC IRYS)

Catch Me Live and In Person

From time to time over the last several years I’ve made appearances discussing all sorts of market related topics on the Big Biz Show. The Big Biz show is a kind of irrevant stock market and business related TV show that is also streamed online. It started out on radio, but evolved.

Here’s how the show’s description:

“Thanks for listening and watching �”The Big Biz Show with Sully and Russ T Nailz” nationwide and coast to coast in 35 million cable television homes, and 150 radio stations in 175 countries via American Life Network, Biz Television, FOX Business Network, Armed Forces Radio Network, CBS Radio Network and The Business Talk Radio Network!”

The show has been broadcast every business day from 3PM to 5PM. Starting Monday, the show is moving to the new time slot of 12PM to 2PM eastern time.

Yours truly will be the co-host of this Monday’s first broadcast in the new time slot, so please tune in. I plan to talk about generating income from your stock positions by writing covered calls. Forget dividends- this is the way to go for investors seeking higher returns.

More importantly, the first of my “Big 3″ penny stock ideas is iTrackr Systems (OTC BB: IRYS). IRYS opened at $.68 this past Wednesday when I released the pick, and closed Friday at $.80. There’s been a volume explosion, and reasonable price movement of 17.5% in the first three trading days.

Tune in at 10:20 Eastern time to catch Jeremy Brooks, the President of IRYS, interviewed live on the Big Biz Show.

Rather than try to figure out where it might or might not be on your local cable system, you can watch it, or listen online.

Go to WWW.BIGBIZSHOW.COM on Monday morning.

Click on the button that says “Watch Us Live”, or click on “Listen Live“.

Time to Hang Up The Call

Any way you look at it, my recommendation to invest in the Magic Jack (NASDAQ: CALL) options has been a gigantic win. At the same time, I suggested the Dexcom (DXCM) options, and those were a break even, so no harm done there.

The March 15 CALL call options I recommended back on January 18th at $1.30 closed Friday at $6.70 bid- yielding at gain of 415%.

Time to hang up on the call. Anyone still holding those call options should sell them and close out their position immediately.

Those options will expire in two weeks, and the stock has run up very nicely into their earnings release. No matter how good the earnings, there’s a 90% chance the stock will briefly blip up then sell off after the earnings release.

Hang up on the CALL, take your 415%, and move on.

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